Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

Hi all.
firstly sebby I agree with you.
Brad, I also share your pain.
But that's about where this stopps.
I was quite angry with your post yesterday in fact I was about to flame your face into the ground, but my net died when I was sending the post so you never got it.
I understand finding a job is tricky, I tried, went through coledge we call it university here, to a point I couldn't go on due to visual subjects and such.
I didn't have it smooth sailing, I had trouble with high turn over in agencies for the disabled in general, raw deals with equipment and issues on actually getting people to get things done.
Which was why I left in the end.
Even the blind org did not help job seeking sites and other things.
Firstly why does it matter what the sighted think.
In fact there are more that know me than I know and I never associated myself socially with normals at all in university that much.
Also, I sometimes find it distracting at times when more know me than I know.
2.  I do sympathise with you half way.
If I had not spent the cash on my life skills program I wouldn't have got the scholarship and I would be in the same position you are in but much faster.
Now, I am assuming that you are just starting out, I think mid 20s or something.
I hope not more than 30.
The style you write in is of a poor helpless blind stupid person which I was at the age of 21 years of age.
Having left highschool and being able for the most part to breeze through with the various blind related job courses behind me the world was my oister.
I had it all, I had a possible job, of sorts and I was ready to conker the world.
How wrong I was.
My life skills course got me down quite quick, bored as heck, I used to eat 20 dollars worth of kfc a day, eat 2 packs of chips and biscuits a day just to get through the boredom.
I used to listen to shows on the net, I did have some work but it was not much and most of the time I was bored stiff.
You havn't hit that stage yet but you will.

The life skills program had a few issues in its running but I learned quickly that the world was not my oister and it was not on my side.
Everyone had their own agender even my bosses.
Work experience is needed for a lot of jobs and being disabled its harder to get that.
My first job was teaching people computer at a school with special tech and a mangled security system, bits were wide open, like the staff emails.
Whilest reporting an issue with access on the internal network, I by mistake activated this system without any warning.
I was accused of hacking and fired.
Not that I cared, the system was bad.
I managed to finnish the program but didn't take a second year of more advanced training.
After that I got my scholarship, and got to a point where there was to much visual stuff to do and had to quit.
I did a few more courses outside and I managed to get a few research jobs contract based only but I still get things.
I go to the gym and other things now, and I still do what I can.
I did then try to continue with work at least I did till I was about 30 years.
The burnout and high turnover of case managers and such pluss promises not being kept finally drove me to  breaking point.
I had 2 choices, comit suiside or quit.
I quit, and asked my profiles from all agencies removed because I felt that I was not going anywhere.
I can't stress more the fact that you should have a cv of some sort.
You may never need it but you need a record of what you have done just in case you do.
I managed to get one and managed to modify it last year to the one I have now, its little more than a couple pages but still.
You should if you can take a cv writing course at university, and then put all your qualifications and other things out, there are a few things, if you are interested email me off forum and I may be able to send you an old out dated cv I have which is no longer valid anymore.
Heck, I may still have a template round somewhere.
I know its hard but please try.
Now to the stuff I don't support.
If you are going to be a blind bum and happily admit it you may have a shock.
At least here in new Zealand the government expect all disabled no matter how poor, dumb, retarded or otherwise to find work!
Or at least look for it.
If you don't then you are a bumb and no good to anyone and your benefit is cut!
I do have it down that I am looking for work.
Now that doesn't mean you need to find work but you need to at least be willing to do so.
I am not sure about other governments, but I'd imagine other western arieas have the same concept.
There are ristrictions of earning to much over 20 k a year for example where you could loose your benefit, here in new Zealand we  fought and won the exemption at least to a point where this wouldn't apply, obviously if we had millions it would but I think the argument was we would all  need still access tech and that sort of thing that we may not necessarily afford in fact there are funds from everything from students to business startups here.
Also I am not sure how much you get or even if you live alone, I am guessing you live with your family because if you don't I'd like to know how you do it.
Here you can't afford everything, food clothing, power and the net don't come cheap and neither does rent, rates etc.
It would be hard to survive if I am alone, in fact once my family is gone I may not be in the position I am in now.
In fact without the net and the jobs there I am not sure what I'd be doing now.
I am guessing you are yung and stupid and you thought as I did that you could do everything.
you don't know you can& #039;t or rather if you know you can get round sort of.
I am not saying its easy but please try if at all possible.
If you are set on staying as you are, then to put it simply, I don't want to know you.
This is the nice post I put out instead of yesterday's one.
To the rest, I really can't understand why we make ourselves or at least some of us make ourselves more dependent than we are.
True we are born poor and helpless and maybe a bit stupid and lazy, I have learned through experience that while its gravy to be that way it doesn't end up ok.
Now I am probably going to be a poor and helpless blind eventually I havn't got anywhere as such and who knows maybe in another 30 years if I havn't I may be that way but at least I know I did my darndest to try to elevate myself above that status.
Saying that and this is sad, I know of people of various island races here.
They are blind, poor and helpless retards through no fault of their own.
Their parents were poor and did drugs and theirs before and so on.
work is as forign to them as me being Michael Jackson or something like that.
They have never known what its like to have cash as such and because they have never worked the cycle has continued.
Being disabled with the jobs, or lack off, cash, etc brings us close to this status.
If continued for long enough you may never get out.
Its not been that bad as such but I have heard stories and in fact have friends in that situation.
They have never been able to get out because they can't see out, they came in to this world and their family had been that way for generations.
I'd like to say I was middle class, saying that by myself I am nothing.
I get barely enough to survive without my family.
And I hate people saying they are happy with their lot.
I am for now but its not where I'd ultimate want to be.
I know its hard but not t rying is like kicking those that do in the balls.
This I can't stand and can't or won't tolerate.
I can't stop you brad doing what you want, but please don't not try if you can.
If you are in the poor class, then try to get out if you can.
I realise if you are in the poor class, that will be hard maybe not possible.
I can't say this strongly enough.
there, I am rambling again,
there is a thread on jobs where I have more of my ramblings, read it if you wish.
I have more views there.

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