Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

Hi sebby
You have hit it on the head.
Several issues are in there underlying.
Firstly brad, if you are happy where you are that's fine I guess.
I do eventually want a girlfriend and a nice house but not fancy.
Right now at this moment as far as things go, I am happy enough.
Sebby, there are several things extra the sighted probably don't have to contend with or at least not as much as us.
Firstly, there is the technology.
Most businesses traditionally get jaws but that's probably going to change especially with windoweyes and nvda free versions around especially with the gw and ms partnerships.
Ok the first thing is seeking.
I think that's for everyone especially after the echonomic situation.
In fact its only in recent years that its got a little better for sertain jobs some of that is helped by the earthquake that happened 2 years back in this countrys south island.
For us, as blind though there is t he tech side as I said.
Due to us being blind a few liberties need to be excersised.
Jaws nvda or whatever we use, our braille and other hardware programs, etc need unfetted access to the network.
That means no virus checkers, no firewalls nothing.
They need to be allowed to rome and control every system they interact with so that we can do our jobs.
In this age of security that's a bit of a problem, and companies don't usually like for people to bring their own tech and interface it for obvious reasons.
2.  prices.
While funding can be previded for jaws and other tech, there is still an ongoing cost for companies, now some of the bigger companies may not have trouble.
My brother needs dragon naturally speaking and the ability to connect several mice, touchpads and the like to the systems he uses in his job because of his rsi, the company let him do it but they are a large company and can probably afford it.
Smaller ones ma y not be as fortunate.
The second thing is work flow, people go quite fast, us blind are quite slow it can't be helped, we need to refur to braille, our technology, etc and that's never going to be as fast as the sighted, we can't skim or at least I don't think we can that fast or as quick as the sighted I can't myself I tried once and the info I got back was zilch.
3.  mobility and training, at least for traditional jobs we will need a lot of help initially getting round till we have a rout even if we for example have a dog, and that's another point.
The dog will have to come inside with us and for some companies its another comidation that they may have to get dumped on them.
The worst of these though is that while quite a lot of companies use stuff like office etc, a lot of them do have customised applications such as some call centers and others.
And that doesn't take into account stuff that is not accessable.
So scripts need to be written, probably for jaws or whatever at any rate it costs and the company will have to pay the cost, some of these apps are in house which means more special applications need to be written for the blind.
Now along comes online work.
No office, so no mobility needed really.
2.  no network issues because you don't need physical access to a network to plug your stuff.
3.  no custom apps well that's probably not true but I have not come across a job that uses custom apps outside its business yet well so far there may be.
True you get no social life what so ever but still.
And you probably would still have the accessability concerns to, not to mention that your remote server the company had would have to be able to pipe audio back to the user unless ofcause you got everything running locally and then just did company email with another client or device I guess.
I am not sure how things have gone but I know a lot of companies use ms link or similar and that may be accessable.
there is a Skype business program to.
Fortunately to there are more choices round  than when I started looking for a job 10 years ago and stopped actively looking 5 years ago.
Things like tablets both apple and android didn't exist, and it was jaws or nothing maybe that's partly true now, nvda is recognised at least in the smaller companies I have worked in from time to time.
Jaws is still the standard of access for moth things but nvda if it works can be used if the user cares to do so.
Even friends I have that have been dealers of such readers recognise and use nvda on the sly at times.
So its changing.
Ofcause the security round hooking in your usb device to a computer will still be an issue for some, especially with security though it is now impossible to run automatically a virus via autorun since ms disabled the floor.
Getting away from ms, and tablets th ough I'd imagine that any Linux based jobs would not present to much of a barrior to us as such.
But to end this sebby, getting a job is hard.
On the subject of assessments, I am not sure about your agency you are getting this from but if you say you are going to or are currently looking for work they should in theory leave you alone.
Because I told the income agency I am looking for work the targeting schemes do not apply to me, everyone knows getting a job is hard.
Indicate that you are looking for work and want to get a job if you find one, it was enough for me.
I am not sure about your government sebby but here in new Zealand they don't really check your status, this is bad and good.
Bad if I was really wanting to be a bum, but good because well to be honest I am fresh out of ideas what to say if I were reassessed.
We do have a disabled organisation put for interlectual handicapped is the polite word to use or for me and most friends I have even those thusly effected mental people.
You sit there packing things in boxes getting not much at all.
This is supposed to be experience thankfully its not for every disabled at all.
Generally if you get into a blindness related list or know people though in a job needing someone with your skills you usually can pick it if you are in time.
Though you need to be happy to take whatever it is as long as its in your skillset then you just try and see how far it goes.
Sadly for us qualification wise especially with a lot of visuals depending in what you are wanting to work with mine was it.
I had to stop my plans for a diploma or as close to as I could get because part of my tech course was graphical design, I couldn't do that so I couldn't continue.
Spreadsheeting was another hard one, I know the theorybut I was not given the shortcuts by the person I had to help me with the course and people ended up using the mouse to do everything for me.
I think in some situations the sighted may not know how to handle the blind or disabled in general finding them slow and clumsy.
Not to mention they think its faster to do whatever they have been doing for years.
No matter that its not faster.
I have issues with some family, I had to do some work online for something, and had to get familiarwith a remote site.
When I couldn't do it the first time I was told by the person I was working with "I'll do it for you with the mouse and then it will be done and then you can get this done and go home"
Never minding that it would leave me another poor and helpless blind person.
I said I'd manage and after 5-10 minutes of looking found how to do it all myself without resorting to stupidity.
Mind you, there had been an option to do the job another way but the person I was with kept insisting to do it via their way.
Sadly I think in general that may be one of the last barriors in existence.
People saying when you find something difficult, saying that they can do it faster with sight.
And or if you say you can bypass it with a different approach they say they can do it with sight, instead of waiting, bbecause they don't think or don't want to wait the extra minute for the problem to be figured out at all.
I am not sure how this last issue can be solved.
Because of that issue, I passed my spreadsheeting course because someone did it for me, I still can't use excel, I have a pass mark for something the sighted person next to me did for me because they couldn't be bothered looking for a way for me to do it.
In a word course I did, the person I had to do the course with for support actually worked a step ahead for me, and already had the keys and bits to use working on another system next to me, and was able to give me the feedback I needed.
And I was able to do everything, true I don't need half of what I was taught but the notes are still on my system of what needed doing so I could do it all again if I needed.

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