Re: Demons

I had a relationship with a blind person before, lasting about 20 months. If he wasn't so stupid regarding girls, we'd still be together. Alas.

I really did love him and I wish he'd stop being a dumbass, but men can be so stupid, regardless of their sight or lack thereof. I'm not even really mad at him, I just want him to apologize so we could at least talk to each other again. The level of synergy and excitement I had with having him in my life was an extremely positive influence on my psyche.

I found dating a blind person to be incredibly interesting and in absolutely no way a chore at all. Seriously, I'd forget most of the time because I was far more interested in his character. However, I had to divert my attention from his blindness, although this was more because of the issue that this topic was originally made for, and caused feelings of curiosity and obsession to envelop me. I never felt fear of his blindness, I felt intense fear of my obsession, desire and interest in blindness. I never looked at his cane because it would trigger those thoughts, but after a while if I numbed my brain out from it I could look at his face. Watching him fumble in his darkness was also really difficult for me. We sometimes talked about it, beat around the bush, but he found out before I even did that. He told me that he thought I was reincarnated from a blind person in my past life, and he would keep saying that. I think he knew about my secret although I don't think I directly ever told him. He never seemed to mind my tendency to try to avoid certain things about his physical blindness. Maybe he didn't notice. Or maybe he did, and knew why I did it.

It was all very surreal. He seemed to understand me better than almost anyone else. I wish I could date him, but unless he completely turns around and gives me a few years to recover from his actions I don't think that will happen.

Bottom line, people who don&# 039;t date blind people because they're blind are stupid and are really missing out on some great individuals. Although there are some really creepy blind guys out there, there are also some that are the sweetest little peas on the planet.

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