Re: nvda: its achievements over the years and its drawbacks

I am going to have to agree with afrim. I myself am a jaws user, and have been for about 12 years. I don't see myself switching to nvda, because jaws can do everything just as good, if not better, than nvda can, and I feel that nvda copied a lot of what was already in jaws. Why should I have to waist my time downloading addons when jaws already has those features included? This is dumb and a waist of my time, time that could be devoted to doing other things, rather than finding addons for nvda to work better with this and this program.
As to scripts, I hardly ever use them and haven't found a need for them. The programs that do use scripts already have them built in so there's not an issue there.
I also don't like the way nvda proforms on the internet. It won't recognize some web elements like jaws will, such as tables and other eelements. I also don't like the fact that nvda doesn't have a wraping to top or bottom feature like jaws doe s. This is really annoying when I missed a heading close to the top or bottom of the page and I would have to go clear back up or down to reach it. With the wrap feature this isn't the case.
I think you get what you pay for with jaws, and fs now has a payment plan, which I do think should have een added a while ago, but it's there now.

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