Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

I'm sorry for arriving to this thread so late. Here's my responces to the questions asked in the original post.

1. i would say I primarily benefitted from the athletics offered. If it wasn't for that, I would probably still suffer from bad asthma, and be terribly out of shape with little idea of what I'm athletically able to do. Not to say I'm an allstar now, but I'm at least better off than a couch potato.

In my last couple years there, I lived in a house on campus with 4-5 other boys. We did all the house chores and cooking, with the aid of a single staff member. That is what gave me my confidence to cook that I mentioned in my prior post. It also taught me that laundry is even simpler and easier than cooking.

There's a chance that if I went to a public school, I might have struggled so much with accessibility in math  class that I'd think highschool math were too complicated. That would have been a horrible thing fo r me, as math has always been a very important thing in my life. I'm glad I was able to excel in highschool math, and am now doing quite well in university math. smile

2. deep question. I suppose it would have been nice if they had more big projects to do like in other schools, or those long 6-10 page papers. There's a chance that if my school had more of that, then I wouldn't have these issues with writing essays. However, I'm not sure it would have made any difference. Overall, I felt the school did a very good job considering the inherent restrictions of that type of school, such as limited course offerings etc.

I should point out that the school used to have a lot of problems, especially with their residence staff. A few years ago there was actually a class action lawsuit brought against the school on behalf of all students who attended the school since 1951, which has recently passed what they call the discovery phase. Thankfully, it seems that everybody who attended later than the early 90's had no such gripe, and opted out of the lawsuit.

3. I feel the school benefitted my academics about as much as a regular school would have. It benefited me athletically more than a regular school would have, and socially, it's hard to say if it benefited me. On the one hand, I benefitted from being around similar people, and for the first time, I was able to be just another person in the pile. However, the small environment was very hard to transition from when  going to university. In highschool, if I wanted to hang with friends, I'd go to the one, or maybe two, hangout spots, and socialise with whomever happened to be there. Since there were so few people at the school, the hangout spots would have more or less the same people every day. So I naturally became friends with them. At university, there's uncountably many hangout spots, which are going to have different people on any given day, so developing a circle of friends was a very different task, and I eneded up having basically no friends my entire first year of university. However, I can't really blame the school for this since this is a problem inherent to schools with such small population.

4. I did not go to this school until I was 14. Mostly because I didn't become legally blind until I was 11.

Question to the UK people here. around post 76 or so, somebody mentions something about not even learning how to iron. Is learning to iron a normal skill for most UK children? It isn't here in Canada. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of my friends (aged 24 or less) have never ironed in their lifetime.

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