Re: Major Upgrade For Windows Users's On The Way, For "Free!"

Well cx2 I'd be scared.
I say the next bit a bit bluntly.
ms really stuffed up big time and I don't mean this just to swear here.
The idea for a touch system was a good interface and its worked rather well.
But Microsoft in my opinion pushed it out to quick and to fast.
Worse, in terms of it catching on, while on a tablet it worked as you can expect helped in no small term by android and ios, the fact is, right now anyway, your average desktop user really does not want touch.
Unless they have a touch tablet and lets face it those are getting cheaper and cheaper.
Point is even if I do get a tablet or small phone where I can I am going to use a keyboard, its easier to handle, faster to type on etc.
One thing I don't agree is the cloud ms is using the fact you have to log in to use your system on the cloud takes away some control I really like.
the ability to save on my own storage.
I don't mind colaberative projec ts but to be honest bar email, putting all my passwords and bank info online just doesn't sit well with me I don't care how secure it is its just not sitting with me.
Ok maybe as a backup but ffor active use.
There is server uptime network uptime and the like.
What is the use of a computer if you can't hope to keep things working when you well need to go online and have no net.
Also if I am outside my network in a location I can't use the net or I don't want to then I shouldn't need to login to the net to get access to my computer.
I'd like the option to logon locally, and do whatever.
Granted I may loose some live tile app updates and the windows store.
Excuse me tablet users but us desktopers have managed without the cloud for ages and ages.
I'll save the cloud for my own tablet.
Its different if I do have a tablet of different type.
I am not sure about windows being a service.
But I do like the idea of what computer world says of a long time 10 year support release, Linux has had something like that for ages.
But if I were ms I'd be scared, vary scared.
Vista had people on xp and to be honest I would still have stayed on xp if it hadn't gone out of support because it served me well.
Windows7 with uac off and everything including security set to make it close to xp as possible is something I really like.
However saying that when win10 comes out, I will be updating my dad's i5 64 bit quad core to 10.
I am not sure about my brother's i3 and I am not sure about my Toshiba unless the licence can be transferred if it can I'll take it not sure if I will use it but I will take it.
I think ms is making a good idea by making windows as a service in the aspect that you won't have to ever upgrade your os unless there is something you want.
Or unless you get a new bit of hardware obviously.
My prime hope tho ugh is to have windows running on all my devices, I want to be able to run all my stuff anywhere so I don't have to stick by my laptop all day long.
I just really hope Microsoft have learned their lesson because if they havn't I swear, I'm going to get whatever works installed.
that's win7 right now but it could easily be xp,
I don't need the latest hardware and I want choices about how I login etc.
Even if I get a cloud, I may set autologin on a local account and keep the cloud for when I really do need it like using the store.
I had to upgrade someone's system from win8 to 8.1 and I hated the interface of 8.
Once I got it to 8.1 and entered the right codes and stuff which I had to get, I then went and got it running.
I was going to run through its powerfull stuff and take a week or 2 but I was so pissed with how disgusting win8 was that I worked all night without sleeping finished the unit and gave it back  and hope to never see it again.
I do like the fact you can switch from touch to keyboard with a simple device connection but apparently any touch games using windows you can't take control from the device unless you close another program controlling it like your screen reader.
So unlike other touch devices and such the ms one is useless unless you run one program at a time with it.
If I do get win 10 I am going to install classic shell and disable my touch device perminantly with a hammer if I have to to stop all the silliness.

Short answer is I don't know, office is the costly thing the versions unless you do online subscription are to expensive unless you want basic.
windows is relatively cheap at 200 dollars straight which is not to bad.
its when I have to pay over 300 bucks for something that I really start to foam who has the 600 for pro office or the 400 for premium office.
the home version is almost 200 bucks.
And buying separate programs costs as much as basic office ever cost.
I'd like the ability to choose what I brought when windows came out.
I'd buy the desktop and standard start menu, if I had to sacrifice cloud and basic stuff I'd do that.
Saying that, maybe I could get a package where I could pay so much a month for windows and office.
And another thing I was looking at most web hosting plans and figure if I spend around the same amount I can get for a website heck I may as well spend the 20 or so bucks a month for ms office and 1tb of storage google has that for 10 bucks, dropbox has it for about the same.
So in short its  almost better for a home site to have a domain, and pay for cloud space.
I hope things get better but I said that with vista no doubt the next version of windows after 10 will be just as bad as vista was I have lost confidence in ms.
I use windows because all my stuff is windows and everyone else uses it but it doesn't m ean I have to always like it.
If I were ms I'd support win7 and xp, and leave it at that.
I'd personally like a choice what I loaded who knows.
I wander who will take up the upgrade offer ms has.
I may take half of it up.
Or  I may not.
if windows is a service and they will continue to support it then maybe they will continue to support windows 7.
That suits me.

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