Re: Major Upgrade For Windows Users's On The Way, For "Free!"

With Apple, I think it's now pretty clear that hardware is driving their OS releases, so as of Mavericks, they can charitably be called service packs, with very minimal feature enhancement and almost no under-the-hood change, because you can't really choose not to run the latest and greatest without putting yourself out to dry. They maintain two back releases, with the features of those releases (currently Mountain Lion), which continue to run the supported hardware, after which they drop support entirely. That Microsoft is choosing to use this strategy, deliberately, is all the more astonishing, however, it does appear that they intend to liberate the components so as to allow for maximum flexibility in what and when you want to upgrade software. I think this is a very sensible thing to do, and further legitimises the thorny notion of an OS-as-a-service ( OAAS smile ). As for in terop between iOS and Mac, well yeah, that's proving to be a bit of a turn-off for me, actually, though I can well see how nontechnical people appreciate it.

With the app store situation, actually I can well imagine developers gravitating towards Windows as they now do for Android if they play their cards right. Apple doesn't make it easy for people to develop on Mac, or indeed iOS; in fact, they're pretty horrible to developers who aren't part of the Mac ecosystem and/or who don't have the patience, IMO to do it right or because of a lack of concern for anything but putting out the end product, which is why Apple has all these rules and regs in the first place. So I can well imagine Apple pronouncing and upholding a premium app store experience, even if, to be honest, I fear that they will lose to sheer economics in the end, despite MS's semi-open approach. The Mac App Store is not a given for an iOS developer; although you develop on Mac, your t ools, techniques or tolerances may be elsewhere, and, indeed, Apple charges extra for a separate Mac Developer Program in which you must enrol. Many non-Mac developers simply aren't interested in Mac as a platform and wish that Apple would gratify them without a Mac requirement.

But you're right about the selection of software available. MS made a terrible mistake with Windows 8, using a separate API and paradigm for their app store, effectively providing no incentive for developers to write the so-called "Modern" apps, thus constricting the body of software available significantly. It may be interesting to you to know that MS are, as of Win10, finally providing an (at the moment, purely command-line) interface to the Chocolatey package repository. I can't see that growing into an officially-supported graphical package manager, but it is nonetheless highly awesome, and is a reason all by itself to use Win10 over XP.

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