A very, very small notepad alpha

Hey guys,
I don't know if this is in the right room, but if it's not, mods just move it, please guys don't post 5 posts about it being in the wrong room. big_smile
read the following line carefully.

This. is. a. very. very. early. alpha.
The reason I emphasize this so much is that all this has is a file and edit menu, but read on.

It's something I programmed inside of an hour yesterday because I was really bored, and have recently been creating small programs to practice my purebasic skills. Here's what this one can do.
-it can open, create, and save files. note that to open a file you'd have to first run the program and then press control o to select the file. Like I said, early Alpha...
-an edit menu with some very basic options. Cut, copy, paste, undo. Again, early alpha.
Are you uninterested? well this might change your mind.
-autosaving. Insures no work is ever lost. If you haven't yet saved your file (you just opened the app and began typing), all your work is saved to a temporary autosave.txt file which is located in the main program directory. As soon as you save this file, the autosave will be deleted.
The reason the autosave is here is so that if your computer were to shutdown unexpectedly, you'd have your work saved. Please note, however, that temporary means temporary. For now, since this is just an alpha, it deletes the autosave and replaces it with a new one as soon as you open the application. I plan to make it prompt you before it does this though in the next update.
-even if you open an existing file, or have already saved your document to something other than autosave, the autosaving feature is still active. Thist time, however, the changes made to your file are autosaved to the actual file you're working on. for example if you're working on changelog.txt, all autosaves will be saved in changelog.txt.

So I know it isn't a lot, and it probably will get like 2 downloads at most. But hey. it was just a little practice toy, so it wouldn't bother me.
Anyways, here you go.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/492 … remake.zip
Provided any of you actually decide this thing is worth downloading, I'd appreciate bug reports. But if you don't download, I'll understand. big_smile

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