Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

@Sevrior, I do agree on the environment interaction being something I'd like to see more of entombed especially outside of combat, and I like the idea of different weapons  playing slightly differently rather than just having a generic "attack" option (I was thinking something similar with my damaged conditions suggestion earlier though coming at things from the other side).

However I disagree completely about real time combat. Realtime combat is great in an action game and gives you something to think about, as well as facilities like dodging, avoiding attacks etc. However, there is a necessary limit to complexity in a real time event, and also a necessary lack in atmosphere. This is one problem I have with so many muds, you end up sitting through the auto attacks, throwing in the odd technique or spell or whatever, and often don't even know what your fighting beyond it's name.
With a multiple party member setup like entombed has, I don& #039;t see a way to make the combat both real time and complex enough sinse if the timers were too fast you would find yourself just hammering through menus asap not thinking of stratogy, while if the timers were too slow, you might as well have turn based anyway.

Entombed already imho has the best of both worlds. It is turn based, leaving you time to think strategically, but it has an active speed and initiative system meaning that your not just in a dull round of you take a turn, your enemy takes a turn etc, not to mention things like the cool down timers on techniques.

As far as timing and initiative goes I'd say Entombed 1 was absolutely %100 spot on, as it was with the body part targeting system and both are aspects that should be kept.

The only thing I would like to see, are more variations in enemy speed on higher levels, rather than making everything a big armoured brute of a mountain, sinse something super fast that takes 5 turns to every one of you rs and is amazingly hard to hit is a much different challenge and one that would require different tactics to defeat.

@Ethin, I completely agree about magic, it was a real imbalance in the system sinse if your fighter or assassin took a swing at someone's head she/he would risk doing no damage, while your necro could fire at will with ice blast and even if she/he missed the noggin the enemy still got hit.

I wouldn't however have a streight up %50 miss rate, I'd suggest something a little more dynamic, taking into account your character's skill with that particular spell, perhaps factors such as their coordination, and your enemy's speed. Indeed, different magic spells could have misschance as part of their makeup thus leading to more tactical options. Say for example if your mage had both a magic missile spell which did little damage but was almost a guaranteed hit, and a magic blast spell which packed more of a punch but was less accurate. This could be still more interesting given the rank system, sinse you could have things like cone or line spells which could hit the first rank and carry on going, for example the good old D&D cone of cold.

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