Monthly chat May 2015

Another month, another topic of monthly chattery begins. Happy beltane to any pagans and happy mayday to everyone else, ---- wait a minutethat sounds rather like I'm wishing everyone a happy crysis, oh well.

Rules as usual for those who don't tend to check these monthly thingies, welcome to a topic for utterly off the cuff conversation. Let us know what your up to, how the major occupation, or recreation or desperation in your life is going currently.

Of course as the one who gets the proverbial ball rolling I gets to go first, ha!

Finally I seem to have conquered my cough which is good, sinse I do want to get back to singing and recording and such again. annoyingly I got the part list back for the aims music school before I was well enough to send in an audio recording, though I'm a little confused sinse there are a couple of songs listing me and they just say my name followed by "chorus" so whether I'm singing the chorus or sing ing with the chorus I am not sure (other listing's have people's name, voice type and whether the chorus is involved). I can't complain anyhow though sinse I wasn't even able to audition, and i'll end up doing something, indeed it's quite amazing how relaxed I feel about this as opposed to all those bloody music school auditions where it was very much my sight as an excuse that just piss me off.

anyway, in happier news I finally! have seen Frozen, which my mum was able to borrow on dvd from one of her friends. My verdict is absolutely awsome! real plotk, honest to goodness songs, decent characters and not another  pointless action runaround, plus I have to say I'm always a sucker for a good musical, definitely the best thing Disney have done sinse the renaesance period back in the nineties.

Interestingly enough I was reading up on the film and actually found out that though it used a different writer and composer, quite often the y went on the basis of "what would alan and ashman do" the lyricists and song writers who worked on films like Aladdin, so no wonder it worked out well. I've now got the soundtrack and though I've probably listened to it less than apparently some kids have, I've certainly heard it.

The only thing I found a little weerd in the film was how Elsa was completely awsome for most of it, even though she didn't know what she was doing her maghic was still amazingly powerful being able to create  massive giant  ice monsters and a huge ice palace out of nothing. however, why the hell did she then get captured so dam easily towards the end? I was waiting for her to give the annoying prince a good freezing! Actually this reminds me of a very funny T shirt my brother mentioned which features Subzero from Mortal Kombat and Elsa from frozen embracing with the caption "Two frozen hearts!" now there would be an awsome couple big_smil

Actually this ties in to something interesting I found out while reading up on the film's generation. disney apparently planned to adapt the snow queen for a long while, however couldn't cope with the character of the queen herself. In fairness I do approve of what they did both because they created a great character, and because other than the bit about the story containing a queen, with icy magic and having a female protagonist, there really is far less relation between Frozen and The original Anderson snow queen than in generally any disney fairy tale adaptation, (and what I read of their earlier draughts and ideas really didn't sound good). Quite ironic if I think about it that like The Lion King Frozen (which has probably been the most high  profile and successful disney sinse as The Lion king did in it's day), is a far more original story.

Howev er, much as I liked Frozen I am a little sorry we missed the actual snow queen from Anderson's story. As I've said before, I rather miss utterly brick, completely scary villainesses like lewi's white witch (well until you get to the modern Narnia films). Why do all female villains have to be either quirky and emotional or still worse, have the hole soccubus thing going on, heck I've certainly met enough authoritarian, domineering ladies in reality.

Oddly this doesn't happen with heroes, or even people with good motives, sinse the "Strong female character" trope is now thankfully extremely well established, but I  would love to see just a plane scary, hard as nails villainess.

The Snow queen ranks in one of the stories that actually did scare me when I was a child, particularly because the audio version I had was amazingly well read and backgrounded with some dam evil music. I always thought the final scene where gurda runs into k uy (I might be misspelling the names), in a huge icy room as he's been set to shape peaces of ice into the word eternity was a really lovely one and one which would work amazingly on film, albeit I always did wonder why the snow queen herself sort of vanished at that point and just let Gurda wander into her palace and then wander out again with Kuy.

Anywayy, in other news things have been relatively quiet. Speaking of crazy depictions of wwomen I've been reading some very good chapter reviews of wheel of time which have been awsome as I said in my post on the wheel of time abridged. Admitedly the lady writing them, leigh butler does occasionally dip into feminist opinions and assumptions I strongly disagree with, but I do find her views on the series interesting.

I do hope to get back to writing literary reviews and articles myself as well now that I'm no longer coughing constantly.

other than that it's mostly been games and more doctor who, la st night I began Mega man x on my snes and was rahter pleased to find that where last time I played even levels and bosses who I used to be able to slaughter were causing me extreme grief, now I seem to have something of my old mojo back as far as Mega man goes, which is good sinse the x games are fantastic.

I also feel I really should try some more muds or at least start with aardwolf or flux world, but I find when I sit down at my computer I'm more wanting to either play something with distinct story like a gamebook, or turn off my pc and fire up my console.

Today however I'll not have as much time sinse a friend of mine is visiting and cooking venison stew which should be lovely, though hopefully he won't turn my kitchin into quite as much of a bomb site as he usually manages to big_smile.

So that's how things are up here in the not currently fr ozen though frequently frozen north (and we don't even have random girls with abandonment issues and cryomancy to blaime). How's everyone else?

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