Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

We actually see these sorts of topics occasionally and it is rather interesting how much they can change over time.

I do think though the idea of considering games for innovation and influence as well as what you personally like is a good idea, so here are some thoughts from me.

10: Troopanum 2: Yes, we've had space invaders games up the wazoo, but at the same time for any trend to begin there has to be a trend setter. While I do believe there were space invaders games before troopanum 2 (troopanum 1 for instance), and indeed arguably some better ones around at the time such as Alien Outback, Troop 2 is always held up as the "this is audio space invaders" And in fairness the game did bring a lot to the table not seen before especially in choices of missions and styles. Yeah, it's a bit of a cliche now, but cliches only become cliches for a reason, and in this case I'd say troop 2 is the reason.

9: Lone wolf: Though it's popularity h as very much fallen off recently, Lw had a lot of influence back in the old 2006 days, it was an often talked about game with many podcasts and demos and recordings not to mention the hundred or so extra missions. I don't know much about Dos audiogamess, but I have herd it said lw was a real step forward in terms of realism and war mechanics, especially compared to the likes of shellshock, plus of course it's likely the first ever fully 3D audio game where you control a vehicle moving in x, Y and Z axis.

8: Superliam. Like troopanum, 1D side scrollers are a common thing these days, but Superliam gets points for being the first and also at the time generating massive amounts of interest and buz.

7: Shades of doom. In a time when nobody had tried an fps game (terraformers and technoshock were much later), shades was ahead of it's time. While Gma tank commander had similar mechanics in terms of it's first person view, Shades gets it for me for the adult atmosphere and what was then considered, tough difficulty. Certainly a big step forward, albeit I could be a tad biased sinse it was my first audiogame.

6: Topspeed 2: I choose 2 specifically because as far as I know the second topspeed game was what bought us both online multiplayer, and the creation of cars and tracks, both firsts for an audio game, not to mention realistic audio racing mechanics not sinse replicated until Rail racer, and of course there are still people playing the ts games today.

5:Sound rts: Yes, there had been audio stratogy before this, particularly galaxy ranger, however Sound Rts was the first to take things to the next level, with everything from map creation to fully moving units, and not feature any sterrio targeting at all, it was all about what you made and how you deployed your troops, also, a game with a massive community response as shown by the many maps, recordings etc.

4: Alteraeon. Why am I including a mud on a list of audiog ames? sinse these days with the mushZ pack, the game is pretty much an audio rpg anyway, indeed many people aren't prepeared to play normal textual muds after alter, It's been going for 20 years, and no other muds is as good for blind players, plus the MushZ pack is amazing, and of course the community response is astounding!

3: Pappasangre: because pappasangre was also a first in many ways. The first audiogame developed by a very mainstream company, the first audiogame marketed to the public on the ap store, also an audiogame with a huge influence in professionally produced horror sounds and controls with the touch screen on Ios.

2: Entombed. Yep, our first ever audio rpg, with all the mechanics and dungeoning you could ever want, plus again, everyone has played it. Whether it will be eclipsed by it's sequel we'll see.

1: Swamp. Well had to be really, mouse control, first person, multiplayer ahoy! plus it's got it's own full communit y and is awsome! play it now.

Games I considered.

Paladin of the sky: a nice direction at an audio rpg, but not enough on the battle system, plus while the game has certainly generated buz I'm not convinced it's quite got that timeless trend setting quality.

Gma tank commander: different seting same fp mechanics, a great game but not really doing that much shades didn't.

King of dragon pass: A mainstream game (and a doozy of a mainstream game at that), with access features, indeed the only audiogame I've ever had in common with my rping friends. However, a little harder to get into for most people and not usually most people's first port of call on Ios.

Smugglers 3: A few years ago this might've made the list but for some reason the smugglers series seems to have fallen off in popularity as the games have gotten better which confuses me, particularly now they're playable with nvda.

Pipe 2 blast chamber: A n ice arcade game, popular at the time and still imho one of bsc's best, but not really timeless.

Pinball xtreme: Soooo tempted by this one as it is imho one of the best audio arcade games ever produced, but again it's slightly fallen off the map.

Sarah: Very awsome indeed, but seems to have been overtaken in the fp adventure department recently by Ios games.

Tdv: Great story and mechanics, but very hard to get into which probably puts some playrs off, indeed I don't know if this is a thing about flight games sinse Zero site has the same issue, (most people forget zero site even exists for some reason, despite it being a great game).

Golf or monopoly by jim kitchin: one of the most fantastic in terms of stuff created for it, though a trifle less well known now than they used to be which is a shame sinse Golf particularly I always admire the design of.

Rs games client: would probably have been number eleven, particularly sinse like the quentin C playroom it has it's own community.

Well I could woffle on about the theoretical popularity of various games for quite some time, particularly sinse I've probably played  most of the db personally, so I'll stop here.

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