Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Well, there have been quite a number of audio games down through the years I have really liked for various reasons. However, rather than putting them into a definitive top 10 list I'll just name the games I really enjoy, and some explanation as to why I keep coming back to them again and again.

To begin with one of my all time favorite audio games has got to be Lone Wolf. I have always been interested in navel/submarine warfare games like Silent Steel, Aces of the Deep, etc so when GMA came out with Lone Wolf in 1999 I obviously got it as soon as finances would allow. I've never regretted the purchase of that game because I have spent many hours playing the stock missions as well as crafting my own missions. Plus currently there are several other user contributed missions available for the game so it remains one of the most replayable games I own.

The second game on my list of favorites is also another title by GMA. That would of course be Shades of Doom. I c ame from a sighted gaming experience and did manage to play the original Doom, Jedi Knight, Quake, and a few other First-person shooters before losing my sight so Shades of Doom was something of a return to the games I had known and played as a teenager. While Shades of Doom is a bit dated now at the time it was developed it was hugely revolutionary.

Third, I don't think any list of audio games would be complete without Entombed. It is a surprisingly decent audio version of a roguelike roll playing game, set in an underground dungeon, and while it has its issues I think it gets a lot of credit for being the first to do what it does in an accessible format. Few audio games have captured my attention for as long and as so completely as Entombed.

In a slightly different direction I think Jim Kitchen's renditions of popular board games such as Life, Monopoly, Shoots and Ladders, etc get an honorable mention as being great games to spend the time on a rainy day. Now that I am divorced, don't always have someone around to spend time with, I find myself more and more playing a few of Jim's games like Monopoly or Life to pass the time. They are simple, entertaining, and fun.

Another one of Jim's games I enjoy is Football game. I am of course a fan of American Football so do enjoy playing his football game managing a team and trying to get them through the standard 16 game season, into the play-offs, and eventually winning the Super Bowl assuming I get that far. That's pretty fun, but I find myself often as not into the game more during the football season than any other time of year.

Although, I have not played Castaways in quite some time it is still a game I really enjoy. Not sure why I don't play it more, but I think it is also a first of its kind. As has been said before it is the closest a VI gamer can get to Dwarf Fortress and similar mainstream games and I think was well done. I have toiled away many ho urs playing that game when it came out, and probably will return to that game eventually.

I suppose there are a number of other games I could mention, but I'm not really up to writing a novel right now so will let this serve as a starting place. I can come back tot his thread and add more games to the above list as I think of them.

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