Re: A quick word.

Hey we all go through rough patches. Some times it's taken differently than most. And I guess we all have our social fops`.
I will sadly admit to being banned before on a few muds.
A few are even still in effect.
Now all though I will admit that while I was usually standing up for the under dogs in what were obviously unfair or open ended systems, or in some instances, rare exploits that they had no right using...
That still didn't give me permission to go about things the way I did.
Yes, a few were more mis understandings than anything else. And I personally feel that if I were given a chance to explain myself, I could have probably evaded a few particular banns all together instead of them banning me out right.
a few banns on a few games were sadly deserved, I personally don't think they were, but, looking from a lawyer like perspective on the matter, yes, I technically went against their rules. And although I think it a bit heavy handed, it's their right to ban me at will, for what ever reason they wish to come up with, either real or imaginary.
We all have our bad days. We all get angry. We all say some things in the spur of the moment that we sometimes wish we could take back. I've been on both ends of that spectrum, and looking back on it, I shouldn't have liked one end, and dis liked the other.
Sometimes it's because someone's had a crabby day, and yes, sometimes, it is, because you broke a rule or policy of theirs. Some times they would rather keep you out, than let you spread whatever chaos or malicious intent that they think you wish to spread, and sometimes, they are doing it just to be careful, just to keep them safe. Maby they're scared, maby they don't like your point of view, or maby it's for whatever reason they see fit at that given time.
Interestingly enough this doesn't always apply to games either, however I will bring up one experience, yes, it involves a game.
I bring this up to prove a point.
There was an administrator on an old star wars mud I played once.
He was obviously having a few personal real life issues.
Granted, it doesn't change the fact that a few of their systems were bugged. Unfortunately I received a permanent death on that game because of such a bug. When I logged back on and proceeded to not so politely tell them off, that they should have warned people about that particular bug, I got punished.
To make a long story short, and yes, I realize it's a bit late for that remark...
I was told never to come back. Not banned, just politely told to leave and not to log on again, or else I would be banned.
Me and that particular administrator e-mailed each other back and forth, and came to an understanding on the matter.
And you know what? I willingly never logged on to that game again. To this day I don't even know if the server is up and running. Sure I hear roomers about the game every now and again, but I don't pay them any attention, nor do I really care about it, I just let it flow off my back like water off of a duck.
It was that instance of gaming that I really changed. To this day I am not sure why. In the past the choice was taken away from me, sometimes repeatedly, but it was always taken away from me all the same. Never did I receive a letter, some times I wasn't even sure what I did to deserve such a punishment. And yes, although I don't think it's correct for anyone to ban me out right without a single notice, warning, or a hey, we just don't like you. It is, after all, their prerogative to do so. Just because they have a heart of steel doesn't mean I like it, but sadly sometimes I've learn t you do half to respect it. Like that old saying goes. “i may not like your opinion, I will, however, die to defend your right to express it.”
None the less, I respected their wishes, simply because they gave me a choice.
Ever since then, I still stand up for the underdogs, and yes, sometimes me and a few administrators have a few choice words about it. Yes they still can disagree with me, and sometimes I have gotten banned for it.
But at the end of the day, it's just a game.
You get killed, or you die, or you unfairly get cheated.
Or, if you're lucky, you quit wining about how much a jack ass can be and do something about it in game.
You always have the option to just sit back and weight. Eventually, given enough time, they will get bored with it and move on to something else.
Regardless if you weight a while, rise up the ranks, and fight back, or eventually show them that they can't get to you, one of three things will happen.
Keep in mind, that one of these three if not all of them can and usually will happen with, or with out your intervention.
I say it this way to prove my point that patience is usually the key. Also I've learn t that ninety percent of my banns I have received through my years of gaming could probably have been avoided if I would have learn t from my mistakes a bit earlier.
1 they will usually quit, or, unless there's a conspiracy going on, the administrators will eventually step in and say that's enough.
2 you get more powerful, or gather up a bunch of friends and get more powerful, weight for them to attack you, then smack them around like their mother should have did in the first place.
I said weight for them to attack you, that way they drew first blood, then if they wimp out, they have nothing to fall back on.
3 you ignore them, go do something else, and eventually they quit, or you join them, or who knows. Probably while in the middle of doing whatever it is to avoid them, you eventually have fun and forget they exist, or eventually don't care one way or the other.
I re iterate what I said before way back up their.
It's just a game. When it starts becoming anything like a chore, or work, or bothering you, just for goodness sakes, man or woman up, or just stop playing. It's not worth the stress. That's how they're getting to you. What can I say, some people just get off on it. The point I'm attempting to make with my usually long rant is, it's not fun any more, so then it's not a game. Then it's a stress inducer, or then it's an annoyance, or then even worse, it becomes something you half to do just to keep up. That's more an addiction, an obsession, or an Adrenalin or stress rush than having fun. And unless you're in to that type of thing, it's best to be a bit Zen about the hole matter.
It took me a while to learn this, but I guess you call it growing. Learning. Maturing if you prefer.
It's just a game, life will move along with, or without you. The best you can do is attempt to change people along the road. Hopefully you can change them so they better themselves.
We're not just blind, or sighted, or ass holes.
We're not just stereotypes. Just because we don't fit within a population where sighted is the normal way of life doesn't make us different.
The reason why baying at the moon, while pillaging and plundering and burning villages to the ground isn't normal, is because most of the time, no one else is doing it, so it becomes socially unacceptable by society.
It also doesn't give us any rights of way. The world doesn't oh you anything.
You can sit and whine about it, or you can get off your chair and attempt to make a difference in the world around you.
What's that old song lyric? “life is what you make it?”
People are just people. As soon as people figure that out, the better off we all will be.
I'll stop ranting now. And knowing my luck this topic will be removed, or moved or hidden somewhere.
What can I say, that kid that started the topic way back up their moved me a bit to write this all out.
I, personally don't know what happened with him, nor do I really care to. So for the love of humanity, don't tell me, I would rather not know.
I still don't know if I was inspired for better or for worse with this topic, but, what can I say, when the muse strikes you, you just got to get it out.
OK, way over my usual novel here, so I'll stop now, seriously.

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