Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

Well I've given this one a try.

first, hello touchmint and welcome to the forum, any developer who's willing to discuss access, especially one who hasn't used  those annoying canvases is very welcome indeed, in fact I've just bought the 2x gems upgrade just because I am more than willing to support developers who do access.

Speaking of access, it seems the game has some of the same problems as haypy monster, namely buttons and labels that are in separate places and buttons being used to show stats so that it's not clear what button needs pressing and thus you either just get told "button" or you get some strange thing to encounter like those orit world 207 type codes.

First, for anyone struggling with the character select screen, it has a large amount of information in a small space but it is doable. at the top are the buttons for the various character classes with the description undernieth. what threw me at first is the fact that when I clicked some buttons such as paladin (me being a paladin player usually), i got the paladin description overlayed on the screen. To anyone who has played Kodp this will be familiar, but it was a trifle confusing at first however I realized what was going on and after that it wasn't too bad.

To the top right hand side were the lessthan and greatherthan buttons for choosing race, and towards the bottom left is the same for profession. I unfortunately didn't find the reroll button, but I got the impression each race had slightly differen starting stats.

I also found vo read the help sections very oddly for some reason, it kept saying "greaterthan greaterthan" at the different headings and occasionally new line, which was odd.

On the main screen, I get how the top buttons work, but again there are some cases with overlays. This is particular in battle sinse it seems you still get the buttons for the different squares of the dunge on lirking in the background, and I think would be less confusing if the dungeon squares got labeld, indeed one of the major problems I ran into with battle was finding the button to actually initiate my attack round, (thanks to Drg on that one sinse I really had trouble).

Two troubles I am having with battles are firstly, how to tell when i am fightng more than one opponent, (sinse it seems the npc1 and npc3 lables are perminant and it wasn't clear from the combat log), and also how to tell what the enemy's health is sinse while there are a bunch of progress bars I'm not sure which one refers to what, indeed maybe an "info" button for the enemy might help here.

On the plus side, I did find choosing battle actions and reading the log very easy, and my dwarf knight (imaginatively called dark), is now at level 3.

I've not tried crafting yet but the item management seems pretty good other than some button wonkitude, I especially like th e compare function, sinse trying to sit and minimax items and decide what stats do what can always get draggy.

In general I do like the game, it has nice music and I can see the tactics will be fun to play with particularly with trying the different job types, (one reason I bought the 2x gem upgrade),  and if the labels are fixed it will be amazing.

My only really major niggle in terms of gameplay is the way that other than the start, and the odd informationl heads up from the king, there seems to be no atmospheric text at all, so it just feels like each enemy is simply a bunch of stats rather than a really dangerous creature that my character must slay in the arena.

Obviously the same goes for  races and jobs, and to a lesser extent items.

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