Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

One thing I do wonder is about rerolling. When I first read the documentation on races and classes, I actually thought the stats were fixed and wasn't aware there were any dice rolls required, so one human knight would have the same stats as another human knight.

It makes sense for the races and jobs to get stat modifyers as in most rp games, however I do always think it a bit weerd to roll stats in a computer game, sinse unlike with a tabletop game, you don't really get any bennifit or interesting gameplay needs from playing lower stats and always want the best possible, indeed I've seen games where basically I just spend ages rerolling in order to get better stats sinse there really isn't much interest or advantage playing with lower or average stats, indeed there are some muds *cough materiamagigca *cough, where pretty much if you don't spend ages with the dice roller to max out as much as possible you can end up getting completely shafted later o n.

This is why in rpgs I personally like either starting out with stats fixed by my race and class, or using point alocation, sinse it just doesn't seem the rerolling adds much to the game other than having to sit around and wait for the gods of random number generation to smile upon you.

I would thus suggest perhaps for either a future update of Battle arena or maybe in the third adventure to fate game, considering either having point allocation for stats, or as an alternative having the choice of three different character difficulties, say an easy difficulty where your stats before racial or class modifyers were all fives and sixes, a medium difficulty where your stats were all threes and fours, or a hard difficulty where your stats were all ones or twos, plus a random option if a person just wanted the dice rolls.

That way someone who wants to play with a character with best possible stats can do so, or someone can play an average character or a weak char acter for a challenge, or alternatively if someone wants a random character and wants to compensate for their strengths and weaknesses with equipment and spells they can do that to.

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