Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

@Dan, yep, vertical navigation is your friend, possibly even more so in BAttle arena than in  other games where it's been useful.
I am having no luck at all with my human knight and this bloody enchantress, even when I maxed my strength at cost of armour using some of the things I'd made with the  armoursmitth skill it still didn't work out, though in fairness the dice seemed to hate me in that fight and I missed a lot, so I'm in an annoying position now of having to constantly grind for enough gold to buy potions in order to try the fight again, which is doubly irritating sinse  the monsters aren't dropping hp restore potions, plus when I tried one fiht I should! have won but didn't have a potion so died again, which was irritating.

I know the monsters stats are hiden, but one slight issue I am having is not knowing what exactly the affects of enemy skills are, so not being exactly clear why I am getting beaten up.

I might actually take your suggestion and try another profession with the weaponsmitth skill and then pass the weapon to my knight, indeed your logic is probably correct on knight being better suited to maxing damage than trying to work on protection, indeed I recently unlocked the clerric class though I'm tempted to also give wizard a try, heck even though I'm not usually a rogue fan I'd be interested to see what rogues do in this game.

Well that's why it has multiple characters big_smile.

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