Re: Sb-soft's second release. Masons death serie!

Greetings all.

How would I feel if someone made a series about me dyeing over an over? The truth is, I have died over and over again in any manor of ways that my conscious mind cannot remember. I myself would not be angry at any who would do this because death to me is not an all encompassing oblivion as it is to most. If I did believe it was then I would be angry; who has the right to wish joke about the end of my existence? Because however I believe it's merely the beginning of another form of existence or should I say the beginning of a chapter in a single story, I don't see it as something offensive. Would I prefer that I be cast into the roll of the one dyeing over and over again in the story? Yes I would prefer that. Would I be able to laugh at my own demise? Again, I would have to say yes if it was only conventional. However, were I to have a powerful spiritual experience before death then I would not laugh because I'd be crying with joy at seeing my be loved once again.

I'm pretty sure that this series was meant as an attack on the western mentality surrounding death but because of the terminator being angry at Mason, Mason was cast into the roll of the one who dies. I do believe however that this series would have been created even if the terminator wasn't angry at Mason and the terminator would have asked someone to be cast in that roll.

Have you ever read a children's story called the little match girl? In that story, there was domestic violence involved in the beginning, the girl of the story was a beggar and society generally looked down on her with nothing but contempt and disgust. This was evidence by a boy stealing the girl's footwear and tormenting her about it. Time past and the girl hadn't sold a single match all day and it was beginning to get dark. By that time, the girl lost all hope and she dared not return home. She sat down at the side of a rich man's house and struck a ma tch while wishing for warmth. A stove complete with kettle and a tea set came into existence and just as the girl was stretching out her hands and feet to get warm, the stove vanished. A second match was struck and a goose that was cooked still with a knife and fork in its back waddled out of the house but before she finished asking the goose whether she could touch it, it vanished. A third match struck and the wall of the house became transparent and the girl could see someone playing the piano and the happy atmosphere forever out of her grasp. A final match struck and her deceased Grandmother came to visit her. At that point, the girl became desperate and all the remaining matches were struck and the girl implored her Grandmother who was the only one who was good to her to stay. Rather than staying however, the Grandmother took the girl into her arms and they travelled back to the promised land, heaven or the Summerland where no ill could befall the girl and as they travelled, the Grandmother assured the girl that she would never leave her side again nor would the girl have to return to the mortal world. In the morning, the people found the corpse of the girl at the side of the house. Repentant of their folly, they mourned the passing of the girl but I assure you, she had the last laugh.

Now do you see why I'd welcome death with open arms when the time came for me to leave this mortal coil? Now do you see why the terminator created this series? It isn't to make fun of another being but to wake us all up and to get us to return to the old ways where death was spoken about freely and was not considered to be taboo, painful or private but a joyous celebration because the one who passed on has rejoined their ancestors.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

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