Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

Greetings all.

This post will be brief because I don't have much time before I eat. First of all, I must apologise to the Christians as in my past, I've committed many sins against you. Did I ever tell you of the time I was possessed when I was in primary School? I cannot remember the year, date, day or even the time of this event but I was on a bus returning from the swimming pool to School. I believe I was around 9 at the time and even then my English wasn't that great. Also, at the time I was somewhat ignorant about anything religious due to the language barriers and could not know what I know now. In the same vane, I knew nothing of priests, monks, nuns or even anything of the entire clergy. I did not know who they were or even what function they played in religious life, I was completely ignorant. The reason why I'm emphasising my ignorance so much is because of my brief possession somewhere in the middle of my journey back from the pool. People were talking around me and as usual, I was in my own world and suddenly, for no reason at all that I knew of, words came out of my mouth that I knew not the meaning of at the time. "I HATE NUNS!" Those were the resounding words that spilled forth like a tidal wave and I don't remember even shouting but the entire bus was silent. Such was the affect of my words that only one of the teachers reprimanded me although I cannot remember what she said due to me still being possessed at the time. I did not recall this incident until 5 years ago when I was talking to some Christian friends, Daniel and Danial and Danial told me what happened. He told me that it was the evil one himself who possessed me. For a while now, I've been plagued with guilt and remorse although I knew I had no control of the situation.

Secondly, I must also apologise to gamedude for unknowingly ridiculing and belittling him along with all the other spirits who were trying to help me. First, the s pirits. This site explains it all and it answers some questions regarding religion and sexuality. There are still a few questions I have regarding the subject for example, why do people keep saying god every 5 minutes, in short taking the lord's name in vane? Also and this is by far the most important question of all and it's why do people cry out GOD when in the bedroom? Now I've always suspected that there is a correlation between the two that goes far deeper than people give it credit. The spirits tried to help me back in 2004 by chanting a mantra concerning God and the cundalini and not did I not believe them but I was in distress but the words would not go away. In this case, if you substitute cundalini with sex/sexuality then you'll know of what I speak. I tried hiding, I tried fighting until I committed spiritual suicide in 2010. Now things have calmed down somewhat but those spirits and the correlation never le ft me.

Finally gamedude. I must apologise to you because when I was younger, I rejected out of hand what you believed in and I was on the bandwagon of Satanists were evil and only those of the 3 major religions were good. I'd rather not go into too much detail of my hateful nature at that time but suffice it to say that my crime against you is far greater than my crimes against humanity as a whole. I will of my own free will accept any and all judgements you wish to cast upon me and that goes for the Christians to for I deserve each and every one.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

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