Re: Survive the Wild!

re the post about more energy being used while walking sideways or backwards. what sort of sense does this make? it doesn't take much more energy in real life, it just increases your chances of stumbling, running into things, and somewhat slower then walking forwards due to our bodies configuration. but it doesn't actually take much more energy. and those who learn to, can actually walk as fast, and as easilly, backwards, as forwards.
hell. i already have enough trouble with the speed at which i get thirsty / hungry in the game. lol. and energy use is sooooo anoying. as it is, i get down to 50 % energy, and i end up stumbling all the damn time. this also doesn't make much sense.. lol.
unless i'm drunk of course
just my views. if you decide to go this way, there's little i can do. but as it is, i end up spending most of my time either trying to make things to survive, and running out of time due to thirst and such things, or i finally get my self sorted out and start making some headway, only for one of the gits that seem to egsist in the gaming world, come along and just kill me because they can. i'm sorry, but that sort of activity, unless rp reasoned, or talked about before hand by the player, is just .... wrong
and that is one reason a lot of people who have tried the game, end up giving up, and going away. because they can never get anywhere with the game, and everything just ends in frustration. why bother coming back after dieing, when barely 5 mins after doing so, somebody comes along, and kills you again. running out of food / water or what ever i can understand. these 2 or 3 people that just kill you because they can, is just anoying
if we rp something, or agree to have a fight for fun, fine. no problems. and for that matter, if i loosed an arrow and killed somebody by mistake, again, i'd say sorry, and try to help them gain back some of what they had lost. but generally, i don't see t he point in killing anybody, just cause it's possible. i know it was done this way so that it's realistic in the sense that you can kill. but if there is a couple of players that do nothing but kill everybody, maybe they should be being dealt with.

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