Regarding updating profiles with PunPB yuo all might find intrust in.

I'm not really sure of where to post this message, but here it goes.
Hello, this includes all mods of this forum as well but while I myself have upgraded to the newist version of Pun PB, there also introduces a serious bug with updating user profiles. I how ever, have a fix for this and if you mods want it, I can give it to you... All it entails is just replacing the profile.php with the one that I will give to you all. Question for you all on here who have tried updating profiles. is it giving a message about an invalid linked in account being present whenever you trigger the update button on your profile pages? If so, as I stated above there is a fix for this and I can try to help you all out with this sense I am a website dev myself. Just let me know if you want this fix and I'll give it to you. thanks all.

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