Re: mini-game ideas

How about some varients on little arcade style games that test your judgement or reactions. For example, maybe instead of simon style pattern matching, you hear the sequence of tones but instead of needing to press the corresponding key, you have to physically pick the tones up and move them similarly to how the old bone pipes level was in Hunter.

For example, lets say you started with a four tone pattern that was played left to right c, f, b, g.

You then cycle through the four tones with your arrow keys and press space to pick up a tone, and need to pick up the c and put it to the far left column, pick up the g and put it to the far right etc.

You'd just need the tone noises playing in sterrio and some sounds, such as a click for pickup and put down.

Another idea might be something based on the sterrio targeting principle, but requiring you to do a little more than just hit when in center.

For example lets say you were given a target tone of a certain pitch and were told higher or lower by sapi. Then various tone objects went right to left and you needed to hit space for those in the center, however only for the ones that were higher or lower than the target. To keep things interesting, instead of doing this in predetermined rounds, occasionally you'd hear a click and a new target tone play quickly in the right or left sterrio ield and sapi say "higher" or "lower" meaning you'd need to constantly change your sterrio targeting tactics and couldn't just get stuck into a rut of center and hit, center and hit.

A final idea i had might be an estimation game similar to Jim Kitchin's golf.
In Jim Kitchin's golf, the power indicater for each club is a rising tone sound, and how far the ball goes depends upon first what club you use and second how much power, eg, three quarters up the sound of the pitching wedge will send the ball 100 yards, while the same position for th e 1wood would send the ball about 280 yards.

Well my thought is a game based on this principle, but random.

So, you hear a tone and are told a number, ie, the pitch of that tone indicates that number on the scale. You then are told what target your aiming for, ie, what number and hear an ascending scale tone and have to stop it when you reach what you believe to be the target number based on your previous guess. 

You know all scales start from zero, so you know where your starting, but what the relationship of ascending pitch vs ascending number is you will need to estimate as best you can from just the one clu.

I hope I've explained this well enough, essentially it'd be like playing Jim Kitchin's golf but with a randomly sized club that kept morphing each shot, and the only information you have on the power of that random club is how part of the power indicator sound file corresponds to a number.
Just to mess with people's brains even further, you could even have the speed of the tones of the ascending scale vary as wel to prevent a person just counting seconds.

An easy game probably not, but hopefully a rather addictive one.

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