Re: Some questions about iOS

I really don't know what you mean by "tagged files not in their propper folder" sinse for me at least the first thing I do when I get a new music file whether it's converted from youtube or ripped from cd or bought from somewhere or whatever is put it in whatever folder or subfolder I want it in, and usually I'll rename it to something that makes sense if I don't like the default name, this particularly goes for numbering tracks.

I have noticed auto tagging of files when ripping cds and it is a nice thing to have just to save me having to rename the individual files, however if it isn't there I'm not going to worry, particularly sinse sometimes it goes a bit wrong, I was quite amused when windows media player auto tagging confused a roahld Dahl book on cd I was ripping with an 80's punk band! big_smile.
I'd never! trust a d atabase to organization sinse I prefer to do my own. For example, I recently downloaded the song skyfall. I notice the tags would have it under adelle, or under pop, however I wanted it in my folder of film soundtracks in a subdirectory of james bond themes which also contains a couple of cd collections such as best of bond. Similarly, I do occasionally find I have to rename tagged folders to sute myself, especially if I want to number each folder so that the hole directory plays in the right order.
I will say I sort of enjoy organizing my collection in one sense, it's like seeing what I have and being able to run my hand across a book shelf, as well as doing stuff like playing at random, indeed sinse for so long what books I had to read was dependent upon what the Rnib talking book service happened to send me through the post (I could submit a list but I got no power over what turned up when), looking through my audio folder and thinking "what do I want next?" is actually a nice feeling in and of itself, indeed when I'm loading audiobooks onto the victor I'll usually load in more than I need if I expect to be away from my desktop collection for a while just to give myself some choice.

I still wonder if you either had a bad sd card with your victor or something, sinse honestly I just don't notice this lag you mention. The only slowness I've seen in navigating with the victor generally is the slow, or at least average speed of the voice reading the directory names. As to batteries, well I do with my victor exactly what I do with my Iphone, ie, I use it on power most of the time if I'm not going anywhere, for all if I need to pick it up and have it portable for a bit I'll do that, however every so often I'll specifically run the batteries down to nothing just to keep their charging capacity working properly, indeed I've been amazed when I've done this how long the Victor lasts, a good 15 hou rs plus, rather longer than my Iphone actually given that the Iphone battery usage fluctuates with internet connection etc, (sometimes I've seen my Iphone battery run down in as little as four or five hours, though when I was using it rather more for audio playback I could usually get ten or so out of the thing).

Oddly enough, I do plan to get some good use out of my victor this morning sinse I need to take reever for a walk but have just started Robin Hobb's Rainwild chronicles which is prooving awesome. Sinse said walk happens to go past the best sandwich place in the northeast of England (really, it just does! that's not my fault), I'll probably drop in for brunch, and take my victor with me.
Said sandwich place have a table full of newspapers and magazines and of course most people who go in will idly grab one up and read it, and up until I first got my Iphone in 2012 and then my Victor last year it did always get slightly on my nurves that I cou ld not do the same.

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