Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

You definitely can flee in fight pits haha!

But yeah, I mean nothing is permanent as you know more than most with regards to the way this game has grown, features have been made and dropped like a hat and things have been tweeked multiple times so things can be changed, that being said all hellzones and titan regions will suck and anything about level 4 regions are not for the weak smile I remember when aside from the odd encounter a level 9 region was indistinguishable from a level 1 region, I'm glad it's not like that anymore

Not a bad idea about the eating text, perhaps I can detect if the player is in combat and if so make the eating / drinking / equiping seem like a move!

Player selling is something I'm definitely looking forward to, in the future there will be perks and ways to change the rate merchants will buy from you, ie faction merchants will sel l cheaper and buy higher if you have good relation with their faction, and if you don't they might not even trade with you, also I really want to add the ability to talk to them, ie threaten them, ask about rumors

Rumours could be anything, he could tell you about a safe coloured vial, about what one of the plants in the region does, about an encounter you may run into in the current region level / type / subtype, some info about one of the local factions ie their population, leaders, power, rivalries, some people might charge you for rumors ect!

But yeah, it'll be nice to sell all that junk you collect and will actually make it nice to find a gold bar or some masterwork handcarved stuff

As for Oasises, I'm looking to expand it loads but the current build has the first iteration of it, I'm going to be adding mountain groves, city gardens ect for other regions and the ability for them to be full of monsters, to be rotten and ruined, bombed, prote cted by a faction or cult, being picked by a scavenger or herbalist (herbalist will share half the plants with you if you are a fellow herbalist with the herbalist perk)

Definitely looking forward to adding new regions in the future, I remember when mountains were new and now they are as normal as city ruins!

Upcomming region types atm are:
Swamp - full of swamp towns, mutants, traps, plants and nasty stuff that the world has forgotten, swamp titans... ew
Badlands - mad max style deserts, mostly very barren, you may find outposts and towns and lots of motorbiking and car riding raiders (this region will be added if I can implement cars to the game)
Countryside - full of farmhouses, silos, haybales, mutant farmers and farmsteads, compounds, cornfields, windmills, monster farms, shacks ponds and tracktors
Forest - full of forrest folk, mutants, trees, plants, teepees, traps and wild animals, and huntsmen, log cabins ect
Flats - pretty empty, scorp ions, camps, a few little things but lots of nothing
Underground - underground mutant towns, mine shafts, ore, lava pockets, monster pits, underground military facilities, cave titans

as for sub-region types that are coming soon some of these might not make it but most will;

insect - only insects inside, this region has been reclaimed by mutant bugs
civil - mostly towns, traders, settlements, outposts and protected routes, this will become the new favorite region, it's safe and easy to not die in
traps - regions that are heaped with more traps than should be possible, minefields ect
toxic - highly irradiated and likely leading to death if you don't have a rad suit, find highly radiated mutants and hazmat suit guys here
mutant - regions whos primary humanoid population are mutants, ie mutant towns factions and outposts, you'll find this place accomodating if you are a mutant, good luck if you're a normie though

As for the game's progression, so am I dark, so am I, It started off as a shitty little concept that was fairly different to what it's become, what I envisioned then was a hugely ambitious project, I didn't think I could do anything nearly as good as what I planned and somehow Its exeeded that, I'm really happy with how it's gone and really hope it ends up a strong and polished game that can hold its own on steam or somewhere like that.

Also what do you think about books? came across many yet?

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