Re: That's not fair! problem at Quentin C's playroom

Hello everybody.
Honestly, I'm starting to dislike this more and more and more, and I'm starting to feel this as a personal attack to us rather than a valid serious reason. Yesterday, we managed to enter again using different accounts, and changing IP address by turning off the router, nothing complex than that; Well for me it was not actuallly easy to turn it off since its in the seccond flor of this building and I live on the third flor, but luckily they had to turn it off   for a while. My 2 friends who had nothing to do with that audio did the same, but in their case they managed to logged in with old accounts they had.
We were at a free table just chilling, having a good time and being greeted by those who wanted us back, the mojority of the people I must say, and all of a sudden one of the persons being heard in the audio appeared from the shadows, throwing rocks at us and trying to acuse us of ciber bullying and a few other things. Many, but ma ny times I told this person I didn't wanted to discuss about this any more, and I let him know that I' didn't wanted anything to do with him and his friends.
Finally and to end this up, while we were again having a good time at another free table, me and my friends got re banned but this time with the following reasons: Creation of an unworthy audio! oh nice, well well well, now they started to recognize things, and instead of letting us in, they just changed the reason from obscene audio to just unworthy audio, to  make things sound  just a bit soft.
Again, all I feel here is that this is something personal against us, I feel there's too much haitrid involved. A few guys didn't liked us when we were at the playroom including them, and not because we are the worst rats in the platform, but just because we are like we ar. Oh and the worst rats in that side of the platform are still there, unbanned, and nobody tells them nothing, nobody kic ks them out. I can tell you that one day while I was at the english playroom fooling around, I saw a freakin table with the following title: Lets talk about sex! And, who bans them? who really applies justic there? nobody! Heck, this is really pissing me off.

A final word: @midi sequencer, please add me to skype and I'll explain you everything, its in the first post of this thread. I think you gave me it once, but I don't remember having it in my contacts.
Best regards, Andres

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