Re: ideal way of creating a map parcer?

Hi Druv,
(this is not meant to be a lashing so you can go ahead and read and don't expect to have your head bitten off).

  Perhaps that is a great suggestion. In fact I've enquired multiple times to Camlorn about Python and the stuff it is capable of. One of the reasons I am so hesitant to learn this language, well, rather than try to explain I'll put it into prospective, get you guys thinking instead of screaming.

  I am told that Python is a great language to learn. It's free, it has many guides and books, and is popular and widely used. Python is good because of all of its libraries that come boxed with great features that are bound to make the creation of audio games much quicker and simpler

But stop... stop for a second. It's just like a comercial. Okay? Sure people are saying its good. And? Yeah? They say, they're developing all these cool things, but why am I not seeing any proof? What do I have to base their cl aims on. Only proof of anything I've ever seen was... this really complex sounding game engine with a bunch of special affects and geometry involved... and a sound library, which is taking at least a year, to develop?
  Think about it. We have LibAudioVerse, Chris Toth's game engine, and NVDA. None of those being anything close to simple.

Bottom line, if you guys really suggest we learn Python, try the following:
1. Give examples. It's simple? Proove it. Complex sound libraries, screen readers, and game engines aren't simple, and none of us have seen any of you showing us any source code.
2. Help us. Don't just say "There are books out there, try Learn Python the hard way" and send us packing and out the door. A book is a, well, book. It's bound to teach audio game developers 998% (and the secondary 9 was not a typo) of what they don't need to know.
3. If it's indeed simple, make it loo k that way. I've actually been wanting to learn Python but I keep having terms like box 2d, Piglet, Pygame, PyAudioGame, and other libraries and modules I don't remember right now thrown in my face. I feel like a poor blind man trapped on an unfamiliar busy street intersection with so many people telling me different directions and ways to go, but not knowing who is right or what the best solution is.
4. If this is indeed what you want us to do, Don't be shoddy. And don't start acting rude because we don't conform. Examples:
"*drops a dead horse*
*pulls out a whip*
You know, if you used a higher level language, maybe even one inspired by a particular British comedy troop, a lot of this stuff becomes a simple matter"
This was posted two days ago, still I have yet to even begin realizing anything helpful out of that paragraph.
"Want to parse your map? Well, write it in YAML or a similar serialized data s tructure format and just read it in, have stuff transparently and magically go where it belongs."
Okay but what on God's green Earth is YAML? How does it even work? How would it know where everything goes along? Would I have to make my maps in a specific format? Are the maps stored in files? Can they be packed with the game? Does it allow for encryption? Is YAML specifically for maps? Where can I go to learn more about it?
You see, that raised about 15 questions in my mind.
"If anyone wants to come to me with running BGT source code, I will help you port it to Python. I'm pretty busy during the day, but will mentor anyone who wants the help, and even directly help you port the code over an evening or two."
  Thanks, but what about Pure basic? C? C++? D? Those are just 4 of the languages I've seen floating around these forums. He might be able to help us port that code, but sometimes we need other help. Plus the mainstream commun ity isn't likely to know how to create things such as audio only forms, or for that matter, audio only menus for games, that's just 2 of the mechanics of audio games Sighted people aren't likely to know about.
  Bottom line, while you guys seem quick to tell us to switch, You seem a lot more hesitant (and maybe even unwilling, how am I to know), to help us get started. And back to the argument of multiple sources? Stack overflow isn't coming here telling us to use Python. Learn Python the Hard Way is not being mailed to our doorsteps. Search Engines aren't mailing Python as a recommended language to our inboxes, helping us get started. My goal with those sentences is not to express that the audio games community has to have things brought or handed to us, not at all! I'm more than willing to search up problems I have. But if a group of "experianced programmers" comes to us and tells us to switch to this wonderful language they love s o much, but doesn't seem too kean on helping us do so, what should we be expected to do, other then say "No go away?"

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