On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 10:58 -0700, rich spengel wrote:
> I have some thoughts on music storage.  I am ripping my collection to
> FLAC at minimum compression, and it is clear that
> about 1000 albums will fit on my 300GB ($150) hard drive.

A minor nit, the flac compression control is for controlling
how long the encoded tries to squash the bits. Higher
setting take lots longer and only yield a modest amount of
additional compression.

Its all "flac compression" and easy to expand.

> Offsite is best.  This is cheap, fast and convenient.  When my internal
> music drive goes toes-up, I can buy a new one (for 75 cents?) and reload
> it in short order.  Can anyone shoot any holes in my theories?

I think your approach is fine. I dispense with the backup
disk, and consider my 800+ CDs as backup.
But I would rather not have to reextract and recompress them


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