I hear you. But hey i have to know! Even if the external power supply
only represents one element among nine I figure its a good starting
point. By the way the Russ Andrews unit has arrived a day early - no
time for serious listening yet so I wont say anything prematurely. Its
nicely made anyway with an seriously thick mains cable (their yello
unit) and a multistrand "woven" conector between the unit and the SB2.
I plan to play a bunch of albums simultaneously on the SB2 (Apple
lossless) and the Jolida Transport and compare that using both the
original and the new power supply. At £80 I hope ill be immune enough
to the old "i've spent loads of money it MUST be better" syndrome and
be able to say "hmmm no real change" without feeling like a dork if
thats how it seems.


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