Time to report back to the thread.
5V cable for the DCB has arrived.
Hook it up right away. 
Initial impression... the PSU plays little role in how the Digital Out
Is there improvement. Yes, but i will be lying if i say I can tell them
apart in a blind test. 
The highs are slightly less congested with the battery, and seems to be
just a tad more airy. 
This is comparing the SB2 using the PowerPlant 600 though, not straight
from powerline. maybe the PP600 already does a great job?!
interesting little experinment. Maybe i should power my placette with
the battery as well?!


SB2 | Linn CD12 | Unidisk 1.1 | TacT RCS2.0s | Placette Audio Balanced
Passive Preamp | Mark Levinson No.33H | Revel Ultima Salon
'Photo of my Setup' (http://photos.lam.ws/thumbnails.php?album=62)
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