-And, of course, can you hear a difference in the output of the SB2?
(Could you pass a blind test? ;)-

I'm confident I could, although I haven't tried a blind test. To me the
SB" with the standard PSU is edgy and tiring after a while, whilst the
linear PSU makes it far more listenable, but obviously lacking in
comprison the the CD player.

I've just pulled a pair of super reg's from something, that I can
easily convert to 13V or so, to try isolating the audio supplies
further, as Sean has mentioned in a number of places. Tha aim being to
feed in an external 13V to replace the internal mutliplier-derived
supply from the display, although this isn't -that- noisy as it's quite
easy to filter, as it contains little HF energy like many capacitor-only
voltage mutlipliers.

This is the first line of attack, but I have reservations that the
fundamental limitations lie in the clocks at present - the oscillators
run from a switcher, not a linear PSU and the two Pierce reference
oscillators are sharing a single chip, which further exacerbates the
jitter problems, based on experience.

I really need to re-box it to make space and gain access to try and
address these areas in order to evaluate the differences, I have a nice
1U 19" case to do this, just need to persaude the guys at work to do
some CNC work for me ;)

I've also re-configured the output stage from a single-pole filter to a
2-pole Bessel, to try and help reduce the supersonic stuff at the output
further, but I'd like to see more suppression - running a sweep on the
SB2 you can see the aliasing products from the supersonic output
folding back on the analyser - a Bessel was chosen as it has the best
transient performance, but this is at the expense of ultimate
attenuation, I'd need more poles ideally, which is impractical as-is.

TI recommend a 2-pole Butterworth, but I'm far from convinced this is
adequate, given the performance of the DAC's own internal analogue


Andrew L. Weekes
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