Please read his reply again!

m1abrams Wrote: 
> My complaint is your argument that by decoding FLAC to PCM (on any
> correctly working decoder) there is some how a change in the quality of
> the data.  Which it is just that DATA, and it is been proved over and
> over that it is the EXACT same data.  I do not care what the format
> original was in, if the data is exactly the same going into the DAC it
> will produce the same audio out of the DAC.  Any difference you can
> hear is placebo.

Timbo Wrote: 
> No, no, no - please, the bits are fine, the noise from the digital
> source (not the rest of the equipment) would effect the analogue
> circuitry (in the rest of the equipment). - doh!
The only plausible reason I can imagine for any audible difference is
that increased stress to the PSU affects the voltage or noise to the
clocks, which in turn produces jitter. Then again, I'm no electrical
engineer, and might be talking out of my ass.

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