Yannzola Wrote: 
> Did you try powering the SB with batteries?The following might be a wild 
> guess but there again it might be
rellevant.  Yannzola, you know my view that I prefer my SB2 to my old
CDS2.  I had the whole of my mains supply to the hi-fi upgraded by RKR
himself.  (For those who don't know of Roy and his mains wizardry he
can be found on the Pink Fish forum)  I have long pondered whether my
findings have been as they have becasue of the levelling affect of
decent power supply.  I was (one of) the first to try the   SB1 with
one of Andy Weekes PSUs and am convinced that a clean steady supply of
current is essential to get the most from the SB especially if you use
the internal DAC.  So maybe a pure DC supply might be the edge that
you're looking for.

I'll be interested to hear how people get on.  And if ever any of these
mods make it into SB3 I'll be buying that as well.

Tom Alves
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