
I used to have the same issue (to a lesser extent) but somehow I don't have it anymore... I thought about getting a nice transport at some point also. Only things I did between now and then was switch to the OSX Tiger and kept doing whatever the airport updates. But I have G5 dual so that might make a difference... Also, I thought there was a slight improvement when I changed a setting called multicast rate (go to Airport Admin Utility, click on the base station, click wireless options).

If the signal strength is 55% you can also boost it by getting a directional antenna or a big omni antenna. My 2nd Airport gets signal from my main building which is about 400 feet away from where I am right now(the first one has a cable connection). The signal strength is about 80%. Here is the site I got my antenna from: I got the one called aFire and I added an external omni antenna to it. You probably only need aFire. Give them a call and ask.


On Sep 11, 2005, at 2:13 PM, bec143 wrote:

Well I have had my SB2 for a while now, and after eventually deciding
that I like my Naim CD player more for regular listening,  I have used
my SB2 primarily for radio since the Spring. With reports of all sorts of new mods on the horizon, I decided to check out the SB2 compared to
my CD again. I should add that I would love to be able to eventually
switch completely to a SB2-based system someday.

The problem is, I still am plauged with frequent dropouts when playing
ripped music, whetehr it's AIFF, Apple lossless, or even just AAC
files.  This never happens with the radio, and it makes listening to
the SB2 nearly impossible, since you never know when it's going to

I use Apple Extreme and a 1.5 Mhz G4 as the server, and signal strength as reported by my SB2, never dips below 55%. I have the lattest firmware
etc., and have tried everything suggested whrn I brought this up last
spring, but now I'm out of things to try.

I'm sure this might be cured with a hard-wired system, but its not an
option in my house. It will need to be wireless, or just a radio. Any
new advances in solving this problem?



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