
Excellent post mate.

I'm currently speccing a SB2 system to buy. I currently own no hi-fi
kit at all. From the mass of posts I've read it seems that you need an
external dac / headphone amp to get the best from your HD650s. I am
looking into the following:

Squeezebox 2 (£190ish)

HD600 (£100ish second hand)

Supermacro 3 headphone amplifier (£150ish second hand)

Headroom micro dac (£150 new) - it's a new design that can't be found
2nd hand yet.

With this setup I should get the most from the HD600s though it should
be noted that the Emmiline SR-71 headphone amp is rated a better amp,
and it is only £25 more 2nd hand, however it doesn't have crossfeed
which I value greatly for the older recordings like the Beatles which I

I will not be getting the external DAC until a few month after initial
purchase but I hope to notice a difference on the HD600s.

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