On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 03:20 -0700, Fifer wrote:
> > Be warned, headphones have all sorts of non-linearities.
> > 
> I'd argue that in general, pound for pound, decent headphones will
> provide more linearity and fidelity than speakers. (Obviously I mean
> pound sterling, although the same might be true for pound weight if
> your neck muscles are strong enough ... ) 

You bet. once you get into a couple hundred dollars for headphones,
which is still over a hundred pounds sterling, you can get
pretty good sound. Headphones under $20 are not going to deliver any

But one of the first rules for people with home studios is
to not try to do critical mixing and mastering on headphones,
no matter how high quality. My mixing monitors are Mackie 824s,
which cost a bit over a grand, they were the cheapest ones
I could really hear critical differences on.

Pat Farrell         PRC recording studio

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