Hi Wayne, and others who might have been there.  Anything interesting to
report from the gathering that was to take place during RMAF, and which
is described more fully below?

Wayne1 Wrote: 
> I am hosting a get together next Saturday evening at a local
> "audiophile's" house. This is in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain
> Audio Fest. Anyone who will be in the area of Denver is welcome to
> attend.
> I will have a stock SB2 and various modded ones. I will also have the
> stock switcher and a couple of linear power supplies. 
> Please let your own ears decide.
> The system used for playback will consist of: 
> Meadowlark Audio Blue Heron 2 speakers
> http://www.meadowlarkaudio.com/bh2.htm
> R. E. Designs LNPA 150 mono block amplifiers
> http://www.redesignsaudio.com/LNPA150.html
> Source will be the SB2 in various forms. There will be wired and
> wireless versions there.
> I will also have a modded Panasonic SA-XR70 to use to try the digital
> outs of the SB2 and to see if there is any difference with power
> supplies or digital cables.
> Please contact me through PM for details.

Rupert Dacat
audiophiles mailing list

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