On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 18:11 -0800, highdudgeon wrote:
> So, the question is this: with the Airport Express and the SB3 so close
> together...would things be even better if I just used an ethernet patch
> between them?  I'm guessing it's six of one and half a dozen of
> another, but, hey, every little improvement counts!

I believe, just IMHO etc., that if you can use wire,
you should use wire. I had to drag maybe 40 feet of cat5
from my lan switches to my main stereo room, but I think
it was worth it. For 6", I'd do it.

If nothing else, you can try it and see if it makes any difference.

This is the audiophile list, and we're nuts. Little
things can be important to audiophiles.


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