tyler_durden Wrote: 
> I recorded a few tracks by looping the audio out from my computer
> through the C-9 and back into the line input.  I switched the C-9 on
> and off at 1 minute intervals during the recording (refer to the flac
> tags).
> Here are links to the files which will only be there for a week.  I
> will also post them to usenet so they'll be available for a little
> longer than that, depending on your news server.  Details will be
> posted later...
> Listen to the files on your stereo system.  Don't rely on what you hear
> from your computer speakers!  The effect is speaker and listener
> placement critical!
> The tracks are "A Forest" by the Cure, "Love is Blindness" by Cassandra
> Wilson, and "Teasing the Korean" by Sex Mob.  I tried to pick tracks
> that would demonstrate the behavior of the C-9 on vocals, acoustic
> instruments, and electronic music.
> What you'll find is that it seems to be pretty good on some music and
> not so good on other music, which is why you probably would not want to
> process all your flac files through this type of effect.
> If you want to see if the effect holds up through compression, try
> compressing the files at different bit rates and see how it sounds.
> Here are links to the files, in the order listed above:
> http://tinyurl.com/8parn
> http://tinyurl.com/ddgvk
> http://tinyurl.com/ba73u
> Enjoy!
> TD

Thank you a lots! I will download it and listen it tonight. Actually I
am now bidding a 2nd hand Carver C-9.

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