
I just received a "stock" SB3 from Santa (my son actually), and love
it! Currently it is being used with its internal DAC, analog outputing
to a Rotel RC990BX/RB990BX preamp/amp combo driving a pair of
Vandersteen 2's. Nothing fancy -- not hi-end audiophile -- but sort of
skirting the extreme lower-reaches of audiophilia.

Anyway, been reading the audiophile forum, and am interested in
swapping its stock switching PSU with a linear PSU. I may consider some
other mods in the future, but for now I only plan to switch the wallwart

What linear PSU wallwart is recommended that does not cost an arm and a
leg? (To me that's less than $25, and preferably less than $15.) Can I
find something satisfactory at Radio Shock, or is it better to order
something online? What brand/models are recommended? Or is it better
for the price range to save my money and keep using the current stock
wallwart? (Note, I live in the U.S.)



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