ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Well, I hope you guys are right about the benefits of these wall warts.
> I just ordered the Elpac WM075-1950-760 from Allied Electronics. I'm
> using the coaxial output. I'll post an opinion in this thread after I
> give it a listen.

Well, don't expect any earth-shattering differences.

If there's one thing I know for sure about a subjectivist audiophile,
it's that a component change in their system will be audible and
immediate.  Their ego won't let it not be.  :)

The linear power regulators definitely supply a "cleaner" source to the
SB vice the switcher, but how much (if at all) that  translates to
improved or different performance emerging from the digital or audio
jacks is the real question.

For me, the main benefit switching to the linear supply was that every
AM radio in a 50 foot radius didn't go to never-neverland.  YMMV.



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