Andrew B. Wrote: 
> I've owned a CDX, CDX+XPS and CDS2 + XPS. I have run the first two
> through a top end Naim active SBL system (52 preamp, 250 etc) and the
> last into that system and then into my (much better) ATC active system.
> I then replaced the CDS2 with a DAC1 and old Meridian CD player. 
> The CDX is a good CD player, even by modern standards. It is
> particularly lively and involving, with a punchy sound. Adding the XPS
> to it gives you more of the same, with a bit of added weight and
> definition. The CDS2 is entirely different in approach: much more
> organic and analogue sounding. At first you think it has smoothed
> everything over and lost details but then you realise that all the
> detail is there, it's just very well integrated. It's a fine CD player
> but then it should be since it was over £7k new (and is still around
> £3k on the used market). The DAC1 is a more truthful device, especially
> in the lower mids which the Naims overemphasise, and is also more
> detailed, has a bigger soundstage and is better at the frequency
> extremes. It is not in the least thin or flat-sounding to my ears. It
> is less warm than the Naims but gives you more of what is on the CD (or
> server). 
> What's the rest of your system? Are the speakers perhaps to blame?
> Andrew
I've owned a CDX and heard the Benchmark and I'd say that you've both
expressed the 'differences' I heard.  I don't think I'd describe either
as 'truthful' though!

The CDX is an exciting rather raw sound, and after owning it for a
while, I found I was listening to more and more vinyl.

The Benchmark is very clean and clinical.  It gives a very detailed
sound, but seems to loose some of the texture and body of the music. 
To me it isn't accurate, because when I go and hear live music, it
isn't clea, clinical and somewhat detacted!  The Benchmark isn't really
to my taste, but I might well take it over the CDX. If I did though, I'm
sure I would just end up playing more vinyl again!

I don't think it has anything to do with the speakers.


Patrick Dixon
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