Wayne1 Wrote: 
> http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/viewtopic.php?t=21808
> Perhaps you should go to the original post to learn what the pictures
> are of?
> They are NOT pictures of an UNLOADED PS. They are pictures of the 5
> volt line going into the DAC chip.
> Mr. Adams did state:
> "What you're measuring is noise coupled onto your probe from the
> digital side (which _will_ be quieter with a linear supply).
> If you measure right across C61 with better/shorter leads, you will not
> see a significant difference."
> He has published photos on his site taken with a cable soldered direct
> the the on board places I just placed my probe tips.
> Most power supplies do look different under load than free running. I
> posted those pictures to show what MY scope showed inside the SB2 on
> the power lines using the switcher and linear supply.
> Mr. Adams DOES say the the digital side noise is quieter with a linear
> supply.

I was not aware that those photos were posted elsewhere, I was only
aware of them from the enjoythemusic.com review.

My main beef with the enjoythemusic.com review was with the graphics
located under the heading "Electrical Noise & Ripple" which showed 3
volt noise spikes and called this output "typical". This has not been
my experience and it certainly was not the case with the Squeezebox's
stock PSU.

Since my Squeezebox is still under warranty I have no plans to
dis-assemble it any time soon. Consequently I will not be able to
duplicate the measurements that you linked to, but I don't really see
any reason to dispute them.

There really can't be much argument that a linear PSU is preferable.
Whether a linear PSU will provide an audible improvement over the stock
unit is still subject to debate. When cost is factored in the question
becomes more complicated (at least for me).

BoulderCable sells a PSU for the Squeezebox for $230. I have seen
posted on this board links to PSU's that could be had for less than
$10. I myself purchased a linear PSU for less than $50 on eBay. $180 is
a big premium to pay for something that may or may not provide any
audible difference. One could purchase a lot of music for $180.

Then the review goes on to aver that those who can't discern any
improvement are probably victim of faulty ears or a faulty system or

Seems a little disingenuous to me to tout an overpriced PSU the merits
of which are subject to debate and then claim that one must be
possessed of skilled ears and a quality system to experience the
benefits. But that's just my opinion.

At any rate my intention in this thread is purely to point out that the
stock PSU is not as bad as it is depicted in the review.

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