NWP wrote:
> Basically, I know computers but nothing about audio.  I've been reading
> this forum but, as I said in my first post, a lot of it is over my head.
> I don't even know what the difference between an amp and a pre-amp is.

An Amplifier takes 'line level' audio and amplifies it to speaker level.
Line level is 0 to 2 volts (ac of course) but only into high impenance
sources (thousands of ohms). Since speakers are typically 4 to 8 ohms,
you need to amplify the power to drive the speaker.
An amp does not need to have any controls at all, other than power
on/off. It has two inputs for line level, and two outputs for speakers.

preamps are primarily switches and volume controls.
Most modern ones take line level, switch it, add volume

In ancient times, one major function of a preamp was to take
the tiny signals from a turntable and amplify them to be line level.
And to apply the RIAA Equalization curve. And if you have turntables,
you still need this. But lots of people have never seen a turntable.

> I have a lot of friends that are looking for a whole house audio
> solution, and I think Slimserver/Squeezebox would be great for them. 

The SqueezeBox is good, but you need either an amp and speakers, or
powered speakers. I think for lots of places, powered speakers
(they have their own built in amp) is the right solution.
Plus it is fewer parts.

Speaker recomendations depend on too many things to answer yet.
What budget do you want? How serious are you about quality in
outlying rooms?  While my main stereo is very serious, most of my
listening in other rooms is more background, so my budget for
other rooms is small. And things like size (small is good) are
more important than serious quality.

My library has a pair of AR "Powered Partners" that I bought
a decade ago. They are actually overkill for my library, but
I had them already.  I consider them free, altho I think they
sell on eBay for $100 a pair.

I also have a pair of Mackie powered monitors, they are
way overkill, they cost $1000 a pair, and are too big and
have terrible WAF


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