Actually, a major reason for firing them downwards is that it is an
effective way of absorbing higher frequencies.

I use ACI Force subs.  Two of them, but not in stereo.  I have them
crossed over at 45hz (below 40 it's mostly mono, anyway, and using them
summed gets you a bit more gain).  

They are very nice, I think.  The price is right, for starters.  They
are small and discrete, which has much high WAF.  Per my measurements,
they live up to the promise of +/1 3db all the way down to 20hz. 
Adjustments are easy and ACI is kind enough to include a test disc,
instructions, etc.  I have tried them against REL's, TBI's, Velodynes,
you name -- all more expensive by a good margin -- and the ACI don't
give up a thing, and are even better than some.  Oh, imaging:
absolutely no change, except that bass is tighter, more focused, and
more textured.

Did I mention they are reasonably priced, well-built, and discrete? 
They only have 10" drivers, as opposed to the 12" woofers on my harbeth
M40s, and they are far smaller.  They work together well -- a real

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