dorkus Wrote: 
> coincidentally i was just playing around with regulators today on my
> Sony SACD player DAC supply. i recently reworked the entire supply on a
> perfboard to get the impedance lower. i also added a RC "snubber", which
> made a very appreciable improvement in sound quality. my values are not
> optimal, i am using 5 ohms in series with a .047uF Pana P cap since
> it's what i had on hand. this is one application of a film cap that is
> ok IMHO in a high speed supply - as a HF stabilization element when
> used in conjunction with series resistance, since the R dampens the
> reactance from parasitic inductance.
> i had also changed the garden-variety 7805 regulator to a LT1086-CT5,
> which is the 5V fixed version of the LT1086 you're using. someone told
> me however that the LT regulators are *not* better sounding, and
> actually have higher noise than many 78xx parts. while the adjustable
> version obviously has better noise performance with proper decoupling
> of the ADJ pin, some people feel the low-dropout design is not the best
> for sonics.
> anyway, on that person's suggestion i switched back to a 7805, and he
> was right - it sounds quite a bit better. interestingly, the difference
> in sound quality between regulators was not as big as the impact of the
> snubber, but that may be a function of me having the wrong RC values.
> in any case, thought you guys might find my results interesting. i
> should emphasize that this PS stuff is not as simple as it may seem -
> "better" parts do not equal better sound quality.
> btw, a very knowledgable person (the originator of the snubber idea
> actually) told me to try the LM340T-5 regulator as an alternative to
> the 7805. he also has the snubber values calculated already, so i may
> give it a shot.
> cheers,
> dorkus

Hi Dorkus
When you said snubber, at first I thought you were talking about the
putting RC's on each diode of the diode bridge.  But, I think you are
talking about a RC filter, either before or after the voltage
regulator.  I am guessing you put it before the regulator, after the
big lytic that would be after the diode bride, effective making a CRC

Is this what you did, or am I way off?


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