P Floding Wrote: 
> It seems to have escaped you that the guy contradicting him was equaly
> convinced about wire directionality, as are many others in the high-end
> industry. I agree, however, that particular guy wasn't the most
> well-rounded character (most free-thinkers seem to be a bit abrasive).
> Feel free to do your own research on the net.
> Another interesting aspect is the non-linearity of air itself, as
> touched briefly on in this article:
> http://cygnus.ipal.org/mirror/www.passlabs.com/a2proaud.htm
> "Mr. Pass uses a characteristic of air as a model for designing his
> amplifiers, in that air is single ended in nature. He says, "We can
> push on air and raise the pressure an arbitrary amount, but we cannot
> pull on it. We can only let it relax and fill the space as it will, and
> the pressure will never go below 0. As we push on air the increase in
> pressure is greater than the corresponding decrease when we allow air
> to expand. This means that for a given motion of diaphragm acting on
> air, the positive pressure perturbations will be slightly greater than
> the negative. From this, we see air is phase sensitive.""
> I read a much fuller report on this fenomenon somewhere, but I'm unable
> to find the link now. Perhaps someone here can help out?

I think Pass should stick to electronics, and not veer off into
engineering that he obviously does not understand, or at least, goes
out of his way to ignore. The changes in air pressure that are caused
by sound are extremely small, unless we're talking about canon shots.
Hence, these ideas about pushing air or creating vacuums is just a
bunch of nonsense used to sell more expensive whatever. You guys know
that sound travels through water right? Water is essentially
incompressible, yet you still hear sound through it. Just think about
that, get an engineering PhD like I have, and then tell me if you still
believe thin non-linearity of air crap.


SB3->Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC->MIT Terminator 2
interconnects->Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)->Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier->Speltz anti-cables->DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10" subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.
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