I'm assuming the audiophile version -- and I've heard that it will come
out from a dealer and I've heard it coyly alluded to --  from a Slim
Devices employee will be the 'real deal.' 

Certainly, I can't find much to complain about.  If the DAC is even a
bit better, it will obviate the need, or perceived need, for an
outboard DAC.  The digital input is a real plus, too, and could send a
lot of people on the road of dumping their existing DACs.  All in one,
you know.

As for the modders, well, they will always have something to sell and
something will always represent a notch below Nirvana to them. 
Speaking of Bolder: for crissakes, they sell mods with (wildly priced
and silly) Bybee products.  I don't begrudge someone making a living,
but let's get this straight: most modders are a rather parasitical
cottage industry.  It will be nice to see a 'straight up' product put
these things to sleep (not that the SB3 doesn't pretty much do that).

Projected cost around two grand.


SB3, Lavry DA10, Sony DVP 555es, Bel Canto Pre2, Carver Sunfire, Rane
DEQ60L, Harbeth Monitor 40s, ACI Force subs
highdudgeon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2195
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