inguz Wrote: 
> I think you nailed it.
> There are lots of reasons I like SqueezeBox.  Of course the hardware,
> which has a really excellent engineering & attention to detail, while
> still being built to an affordable price-point.  But the system
> architecture overall is so nice, and this separation of a medium-power
> network-connected audio device from the server has a huge amount of
> flexibility.   Then there's been some really smart business thinking
> from SlimDevices about extending this (the SqueezeNetwork, the Pandora
> hook-up, etc -- with all their rough edges -- are really great
> beginnings).
> Eventually, high-power DSP (powerful enough to process long filters)
> will be everywhere.  I totally expect to see mid-market "home stereo"
> amorphous-line-array systems with dozens of loudspeakers per system,
> each containing wicked powerful processors, coordinating with each
> other to recreate the sound experience (and doing a better job of it
> than two channels usually does today).  But for now, in a two-channel
> SB system, the PC is [a] basically free, and [b] easily fast enough to
> run lots of fancy DSP algorithms.  (Powerful enough to run room
> correction on several squeezeboxes simultaneously).
> Talking of price-points, I've always been a cheapskate audiophile, and
> SB lets me play that game.  My main system for a long time was a
> Linn/Basik/K9, to a homebrew triode pre with dumpster-salvaged Naim
> phono boards, to a salvaged-and-rebuilt Quad 405, to some quite nice
> hand-me-down Monitor Audio speakers.  That all set me back a few
> hundred quid, back in the day.  Now, a SB-based system can give better
> price/performance below $1000 than anything else on the market.  (OK,
> $1500 or $2000 if you include the computer).  And, whatever quality
> your analog stages, there's a whole lot of value-add in the digital
> domain too.
> Progress: slow but promising.  Not yet downloadable.  Of course I'll
> announce here when there's a generally usable version.
> The 9-band plugin only stops there because the UI is the "INPUT.Bar"
> control (same as the SB volume control, but with a center-zero) for
> each band.  It would be possible to build a vertical-slider-control
> thingy, but that's beyond my leet perl skillz right now.
> But the aim of this EQ is just to tailor for personal taste *after*
> correction filtering has run the early-reflection compensation, the
> room booms & peaks, and so on.  Like the old Quad "tilt" tone control,
> a gentle touch goes a long way.  For most situations (e.g. adjusting
> for a particular album's balance) I think bass/mid/treb is enough.  And
> although I don't have a shippable "quietness" control yet, early
> experiments in that area look likely to solve 90% of my tone-control
> wants.
> - Hugh yclept inguz

The possibilities are exciting.  Thanks for all of your work in this
area, Hugh.

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