pfarrell Wrote: 
> Most of the understandable discussions of jitter talk about the
> timing of the signal being wrong, not the rounding of the edges
> of the signal.
Yes, but I think the reason there are timing errors is that the edges
are not precisely well defined, due to rounding etc.  So if you try to
use them as a clock, your clock will have timing errors.

> For signal transmission, minor artifacts of rounding on
> the edges of the square waves are ignored.

Probably you're thinking of asynchronous data transmission, where it
only matters that you get the bits correct.  Here, you have to get the
bits correct from an isynchronous signal AND decode them at the right

> And audio frequences are very modest,
> RedBook audio is defined as 16 bit stereo at 44.1k
> = 176,400 bytes/second
>       = 172 Kbytes/second
> Digital signal rates in the gigahertz range are used all the time,
> Megahertz is how you measure an original IBM PC. Red Book
> audio is nothing. More than ten years ago, all the 'high end'
> cd players did 16 times oversampling, which still has
> the data rate at about 2 megabits/second.
> If there is a problem, it isn't caused by rounding of
> the square waves used for signaling.

See above.  About data rates, I totally agree - the problem is that
this digital audio standard sucks.  There is a far better way to do
things - transmit all the data first, asynchronously with error
checking, to a big buffer sitting next to the DAC, and only then decode
using one dedicated clock.  That would essentially eliminate jitter
(except that introduced by the original digitization of course).  In
fact, the SB comes pretty close to doing that, at least until you hook
it up to an external DAC.

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