I wanted to end this thread by pointing out a solution that may or may
not work with your system if you have been suffering from the same
problems. This little fix has been marvelous for me! It has brought
real audio quality to what I considered to be at first a bright,
austere and dissapointingly thin sounding SB3 experience.

I simply changed my interconnects around (black to red, red to black)
on my dac. I cant explain why but this simple thing has toned down
sibilence and created a much more dynamic punchy sound without the
wearyness that quickly took over any listening pleasure.
Bass is delightfully tuneful and controlled now and theres a lot more
of it plus a much more musical emotionally rewarding presentation.

Thanks again for all the help and advice on this thread but in the end
who would have believed it could be so simple to fix???

(One Very Happy Bunny) 


Lyonesse's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5496
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