In my entire collection, I've only ever had a handful of discs that
contained errors that EAC could not properly rip.  Of course admittedly
I'm Mr. Super-Perfectionist, so you will be hard pressed to find even a
fingerprint on any of my CDs.  EAC would scan and scan and then report
the bad rip.  It did provide me with the exact position so I could give
it a listen, and on 2 occaissions I could actually hear what I would
describe as a sort of fuzzy 'click' or 'pop' that was not part of the

Of course, these discs were the same ones that I had lent to a friend
for her party, they were finally returned months later looking as
though they had been used as either clay pigeons or as tiny shovels to
dig through gravel.  I found a local used record store that had a
professional quality CD resurfacing machine along with aa young guy who
was very well trained to use it.

The discs came back looking like new and ripped without a glitch.  If
you have a bad CD, I might suggest doing the same.  The cost came to
about $3 per disc, much cheaper than buying new.  This was after I
first tried 2 different and popular consumer grade "scratch removers",
they were worthless and I returned them.  

Oh, and don't even THINK about asking to borrow any of my CDs!  >:(

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